Getting Started with Chord PRO and Python

 3 years ago
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from chord import Chord

This introduction to ChordPRO was quickly put together to enable users to get started. You can see the most up-to-date API documentation at https://api.shahin.dev/docs.


In a chord diagram (or radial network), entities are arranged radially as segments with their relationships visualised by arcs that connect them. The size of the segments illustrates the numerical proportions, whilst the size of the arc illustrates the significance of the relationships1.

Chord diagrams are useful when trying to convey relationships between different entities, and they can be beautiful and eye-catching.

Get Chord Pro

Click here to get lifetime access to the full-featured chord visualization API, producing beautiful interactive visualizations, e.g. those featured on the front page of Reddit.

chord pro
  • Produce beautiful interactive Chord diagrams.
  • Customize colours and font-sizes.
  • Access Divided mode, enabling two sides to your diagram.
  • Symmetric and Asymmetric modes,
  • Add images and text on hover,
  • Access finer-customisations including HTML injection.
  • Allows commercial use without open source requirement.
  • Currently supports Python, JavaScript, and Rust, with many more to come (accepting requests).
chord pro

The Chord Package

With Python in mind, there are many libraries available for creating Chord diagrams, such as Plotly, Bokeh, and a few that are lesser-known. However, I wanted to use the implementation from d3 because it can be customised to be highly interactive and to look beautiful.

I couldn't find anything that ticked all the boxes, so I made a wrapper around d3-chord myself. It took some time to get it working, but I wanted to hide away everything behind a single constructor and method call. The tricky part was enabling multiple chord diagrams on the same page, and then loading resources in a way that would support Jupyter Notebooks.

You can get the package either from PyPi using pip install chord or from the GitHub repository. With your processed data, you should be able to plot something beautiful with just a single line, Chord(data, names).show()


To switch to the PRO version of the chord package, you need to assign a valid username (the email you entered at purchase) and license key. This can be purchased here.

Chord.user = "your username"
Chord.key = "your license key"

The chord package switches to PRO mode when a username and license are specified. This enables the use of all the PRO features.

This uses the Chord PRO API service hosted on the DataCrayon.com (AWS hosted) server to generate your visualisation. Your parameter arguments (e.g. matrix, colors, etc) are sent to the API, which then generates and returns your HTML content.

Chord Diagrams with the Rich Hover Box

The Dataset

The focus for this section will be the demonstration of the chord package. To keep it simple, we will use synthetic data that illustrates the co-occurrences between movie genres within the same movie.

matrix = [
    [0, 2, 3, 1, 4, 1],
    [2, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2],
    [3, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2],
    [1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2],
    [4, 3, 2, 2, 0, 1],
    [1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0],

names = ["Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Thriller"]

In basic version of chord, matrix and names are the only sets of data that can be used to create a chord diagram. In the PRO version, you can also use details and details_thumbs. These enable the rich hover boxes.

details = [
    [[], ["Movie 1","Movie 2"], ["Movie 3","Movie 4","Movie 5"], ["Movie 6","Movie 7"], ["Movie 8","Movie 9","Movie 10","Movie 11"], ["Movie 12"]],
    [["Movie 13","Movie 14"], [], ["Movie 15","Movie 16"], ["Movie 17"], ["Movie 18","Movie 19","Movie 20"], ["Movie 21","Movie 22"]],
    [["Movie 23","Movie 24","Movie 25"], ["Movie 26","Movie 27"], [], ["Movie 28"], ["Movie 29","Movie 30"], ["Movie 31","Movie 32"]],
    [["Movie 33"], ["Movie 34"], ["Movie 35"], [], ["Movie 36","Movie 37"], ["Movie 38","Movie 39"]],
    [["Movie 40","Movie 41","Movie 42","Movie 43"], ["Movie 44","Movie 45","Movie 46"], ["Movie 47","Movie 48"], ["Movie 49","Movie 50"], [], ["Movie 51"]],
    [["Movie 52"], ["Movie 53","Movie 54"], ["Movie 55","Movie 56"], ["Movie 57","Movie 58"], ["Movie 59"], []],
details_thumbs = [
    [[], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"]],
    [["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], [], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"]],
    [["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], [], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"]],
    [["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], [], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"]],
    [["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], [], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"]],
    [["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png","https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], ["https://shahinrostami.com/images/stami-labs/lablet.png"], []],

Let's see what the Chord() defaults produce when we invoke the show() method.

Chord(matrix, names, details=details, details_thumbs=details_thumbs).show()

Chord Diagram


Chord Diagrams with Two Sides

matrix = [
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 2],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2],
    [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    [4, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    [1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0],

names = ["A", "B", "C", "1", "2", "3"]
hex_colours = ["#7400B8", "#5E60CE", "#5684D6", "#56CFE1", "#64DFDF", "#80FFDB"]

Chord(matrix, names, title="A chord diagram with two sides.",
      colors=hex_colours, divide=True, divide_idx=3).show()

Chord Diagram

A chord diagram with two sides.ABCdivide123divide

Optional Customisations

Chord PRO gives you finer control over the look and interactive components of the diagram. The parameters and their defaults include the following:

details_separator=", ",
verb="occur together in",
divide_left_label = "",
divide_right_label = "",
inner_radius_scale = 0.39,
outer_radius_scale = 1.1,

You can see the most up-to-date API documentation at https://api.shahin.dev/docs.

Let's see a few of these in action.

matrix = [
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 2],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2],
    [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    [4, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    [1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0],

names = ["A", "B", "C", "1", "2", "3"]
hex_colours = ["#ffadad", "#ffd6a5", "#fdffb6", "#caffbf", "#9bf6ff", "#a0c4ff"]

Chord(matrix, names, title="A chord diagram with customisations.",
      colors=hex_colours, divide=True, divide_idx=3,
      divide_size = 0.9, opacity=0.4, padding=0.01,
      outer_radius_scale=1.2, inner_radius_scale=0.35,
      divide_left_label="Numbers", divide_right_label="Letters",
      verb="do something together", noun="things",

Chord Diagram

A chord diagram with customisations.NumbersLettersABCdivide123divide


In this section, we've introduced major PRO features of the chord package. We used the package and some synthetic data to demonstrate several chord diagram visualisations with different configurations. The chord Python package is available for free using pip install chord.

  1. Tintarev, N., Rostami, S., & Smyth, B. (2018, April). Knowing the unknown: visualising consumption blind-spots in recommender systems. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (pp. 1396-1399). 

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