New Adventure Starts at solo.io

 3 years ago
source link: https://blog.christianposta.com/career/new-adventure-starts-at-solo-io/
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In 2019, I’m joining solo.io as Field CTO to build and grow a company that creates developer tools and infrastructure to help organizations build their software for cloud platforms/public cloud keeping in mind the reality of on-premises, existing technology investment. This problem of connecting and harnessing applications that are built cloud-native with those existing technologies is not an easy problem to solve. Some of the vanguard customers I’ve worked with at my previous job are acutely experiencing these pains and it’s likely others will as they go forward.

Solo.io is a small, exciting startup based in Cambridge, MA and was founded by Idit Levine. I’m excited to work with her and her great team and look forward to what we can do to help organizations make hybrid-cloud application architectures a reality.

New Adventure Starts at solo.io was published on January 02, 2019.

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK