
 3 years ago
source link: https://github.com/CraftyFella/TableStorageLocal
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TableStorageLocal is an Azure Table Storage compatible emulator, like Azurite, but built using .NET and the awesome LiteDB so it can run in memory with your tests, or as a standalone process/Docker container if you need to persist your data.

Getting Started

Create a LocalTables instance then use the ConnectionString property to create a CloudTableClient

var tables = new LocalTables();
var client = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(tables.ConnectionString).CreateCloudTableClient();
var table = client.GetTableReference("test");
var entity = new DynamicTableEntity("PK", "RK", "*", new Dictionary<string, EntityProperty>() { { "Message", EntityProperty.GeneratePropertyForString("Hello, World!") } });
var result = table.Execute(TableOperation.Retrieve("PK", "RK"));

Use a LiteDB connection string to enable persistance:

var tables = new LocalTables("mydata.db")

Combine this with the default local storage port, and you can browse and edit your data using Azure Storage Explorer

var tables = new LocalTables("mydata.db", 10002)
Storage Explorer

Docker image

The Azurite example can be run as a docker image:

docker run -d -p 10002:10002  --name tablestoragelocal craftyfella/tablestoragelocal:latest

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