Uno Platform: Getting Started Series

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.andrewhoefling.com/Blog/Post/uno-platform-getting-started-series
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Getting Started Series
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Andrew Hoefling


Microsoft MVP

Xamarin Certified

Uno Platform: Getting Started Series


The Uno Platform getting started series is a blog series I started writing in April 2020 during the COVID 19 pandemic. This blog series provides getting started guides to help you get up and running quickly with Uno Platform Apps. If you haven't used it yet, Uno Platform enables C#/XAML developers to build pixel perfect cross-platform apps using the UWP specification. This enables UWP/WinUI developers to build apps for iOS, Android, WASM (Web Assembly), and more. 


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About Me

A mentor first and a coder second, an Open Source developer. Coffee + Code = <3. Every day I try to write code just slightly better than I did yesterday. Once a week I crush code on my Live Coding Stream, you should check it out!

I'm Andrew Hoefling, and I work for FileOnQ as a Lead Software Engineer building mobile technologies for Government, Financial and First Responders using Xamarin. 

The content on this website reflects my personal opinions, and does not reflect the opinions of my employer or affiliates


Copyright 2020 by Andrew Hoefling - Life Through Code

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