Spring Cloud Kubernetes For Hybrid Microservices Architecture

 3 years ago
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Spring Cloud Kubernetes For Hybrid Microservices Architecture

You might use Spring Cloud Kubernetes to build applications running both inside and outside Kubernetes cluster. The only problem with starting application outside Kubernetes is that there is no auto-configured registration mechanism. Spring Cloud Kubernetes delegates registration to the platform, what is an obvious behaviour if you are deploying your application internally using Kubernetes objects. With external application the situation is different. In fact, you should guarantee registration by yourself on the application side.
This article is an explanation of motivation to add auto-registration mechanisms to Spring Cloud Kubernetes project only for external applications. Let’s consider the architecture where some microservices are running outside Kubernetes cluster and some other are running inside it. There can be many explanations of such the situation. The most obvious explanation seems to be a migration of your microservices from older infrastructure to Kubernetes. Assuming it is still in progress, you have some microservices already moved to the cluster, while some others still running on the older infrastructure. Moreover, you can decide to start some kind of experimental cluster with only a few of your applications, until you have more experience with using Kubernetes on production. I think it is not a very rare case.
Of course, there are different approaches to that issue. For example, you may maintain two independent microservices-based architectures, with different discovery registry and configuration sources. But you can also connect external microservices through Kubernetes API with the cluster to load configuration from ConfigMap or Secret, and register them there allow inter-service communication with Spring Cloud Kubernetes Ribbon.
The sample application source code is available on GitHub under branch hybrid in sample-spring-microservices-kubernetes repository: https://github.com/piomin/sample-spring-microservices-kubernetes/tree/hybrid.


For the current we may change a little architecture presented in my previous article about Spring Cloud and Kubernetes – Microservices With Spring Cloud Kubernetes. We move one of the sample microservices employee-service, described in the mentioned article, outside Kubernetes cluster. Now, the applications which are communicating with employee-service need to use the addresses outside cluster. Also they should be able to handle a port number dynamically generated on the application during startup (server.port=0). Our applications are still distributed across different namespaces, so it is important to enable multi-namespaces discovery feature – also described in my previous article. The application employee-service is connecting to MongoDB, which is still deployed on Kubernetes. In that case the integration is performed via Kubernetes Service. The following picture illustrates our current architecture.


Kubernetes PropertySource

The situation with distributed configuration is clear. We don’t have to implement any additional code to be able to use it externally. Just, before starting client application we have to set environment variable KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE. Since, we set it to external we first need to create such a namespace.


Then we may apply some property sources to that namespace. The configuration is consisting of Kubernetes ConfigMap and Secret. We store there Mongo location, credentials, and some other properties. Here’s our ConfigMap declaration.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: employee
application.yaml: |-
logging.pattern.console: "%d{HH:mm:ss} ${LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN:-%5p} %m%n"
all-namespaces: true
register: true
database: admin
port: 32612

The port number is taken from mongodb Service, which is deployed as NodePort type.


And here’s our Secret.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: employee
type: Opaque
spring.data.mongodb.username: UGlvdF8xMjM=
spring.data.mongodb.password: cGlvdHI=

Then, we are creating resources inside external namespace.


In bootstrap.yml file we need to set address of Kubernetes API server and property responsible for trusting server’s cert. We should also enable using Secret as property source, which is disabled by default for Spring Cloud Kubernetes Config.

name: employee
enableApi: true
trustCerts: true

External Registration Implementation

The situation with service discovery is much more complicated. Since Spring Cloud Kubernetes delegates discovery to the platform, what is perfectly right for internal applications, the lack of auto-configured registration is a problem for external application. That’s why I decided to implement module for Spring Cloud Kubernetes auto-configured registration for external application. Currently it is available inside our sample repository as spring-cloud-kubernetes-discovery-ext module. It is implemented according to the Spring Cloud Discovery registration pattern. Let’s begin from dependencies. We just need to include spring-cloud-starter-kubernetes, which contains core and discovery modules.


Here’s our registration object. It implements Registration interface from Spring Cloud Commons, which defines some basic getters. We should provide hostname, port, serviceId etc.

public class KubernetesRegistration implements Registration {
private KubernetesDiscoveryProperties properties;
private String serviceId;
private String instanceId;
private String host;
private int port;
private Map<String, String> metadata = new HashMap<>();
public KubernetesRegistration(KubernetesDiscoveryProperties properties) {
this.properties = properties;
public String getInstanceId() {
return instanceId;
public String getServiceId() {
return serviceId;
public String getHost() {
return host;
public int getPort() {
return port;
public boolean isSecure() {
return false;
public URI getUri() {
return null;
public Map<String, String> getMetadata() {
return metadata;
public String getScheme() {
return "http";
public void setServiceId(String serviceId) {
this.serviceId = serviceId;
public void setInstanceId(String instanceId) {
this.instanceId = instanceId;
public void setHost(String host) {
this.host = host;
public void setPort(int port) {
this.port = port;
public void setMetadata(Map<String, String> metadata) {
this.metadata = metadata;

We have some additional configuration properties in comparison to Spring Cloud Kubernetes Discovery. They are available under the same prefix spring.cloud.kubernetes.discovery.

public class KubernetesRegistrationProperties {
private String ipAddress;
private String hostname;
private boolean preferIpAddress;
private Integer port;
private boolean register;

There is also a class that should extends abstract AbstractAutoServiceRegistration. It is responsible for managing a registration process. First, it enables registration mechanism only if application is running outside Kubernetes. It uses PodUtils bean defined in Spring Cloud Kubernetes Core for that. It also implements method for building registration object. The port may be generated dynamically on startup. The rest of process is performed inside the abstract subclass.

public class KubernetesAutoServiceRegistration extends AbstractAutoServiceRegistration<KubernetesRegistration> {
private KubernetesDiscoveryProperties properties;
private KubernetesRegistrationProperties registrationProperties;
private KubernetesRegistration registration;
private PodUtils podUtils;
KubernetesAutoServiceRegistration(ServiceRegistry<KubernetesRegistration> serviceRegistry,
AutoServiceRegistrationProperties autoServiceRegistrationProperties,
KubernetesRegistration registration, KubernetesDiscoveryProperties properties,
KubernetesRegistrationProperties registrationProperties, PodUtils podUtils) {
super(serviceRegistry, autoServiceRegistrationProperties);
this.properties = properties;
this.registrationProperties = registrationProperties;
this.registration = registration;
this.podUtils = podUtils;
public void setRegistration(int port) throws UnknownHostException {
String ip = registrationProperties.getIpAddress() != null ? registrationProperties.getIpAddress() : InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
registration.setServiceId(getAppName(properties, getContext().getEnvironment()) + "." + getNamespace(getContext().getEnvironment()));
registration.getMetadata().put("namespace", getNamespace(getContext().getEnvironment()));
registration.getMetadata().put("name", getAppName(properties, getContext().getEnvironment()));
this.registration = registration;
protected Object getConfiguration() {
return properties;
protected boolean isEnabled() {
return !podUtils.isInsideKubernetes();
protected KubernetesRegistration getRegistration() {
return registration;
protected KubernetesRegistration getManagementRegistration() {
return registration;
public String getAppName(KubernetesDiscoveryProperties properties, Environment env) {
final String appName = properties.getServiceName();
if (StringUtils.hasText(appName)) {
return appName;
return env.getProperty("spring.application.name", "application");
public String getNamespace(Environment env) {
return env.getProperty("KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE", "external");

The process should be initialized just after application startup. In order to catch startup event we prepare bean that implements SmartApplicationListener interface. The listener method calls bean KubernetesAutoServiceRegistration to prepare registration object and start the process.

public class KubernetesAutoServiceRegistrationListener implements SmartApplicationListener {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KubernetesAutoServiceRegistrationListener.class);
private final KubernetesAutoServiceRegistration autoServiceRegistration;
KubernetesAutoServiceRegistrationListener(KubernetesAutoServiceRegistration autoServiceRegistration) {
this.autoServiceRegistration = autoServiceRegistration;
public boolean supportsEventType(Class<? extends ApplicationEvent> eventType) {
return WebServerInitializedEvent.class.isAssignableFrom(eventType);
public boolean supportsSourceType(Class<?> sourceType) {
return true;
public int getOrder() {
return 0;
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent applicationEvent) {
if (applicationEvent instanceof WebServerInitializedEvent) {
WebServerInitializedEvent event = (WebServerInitializedEvent) applicationEvent;
try {
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
LOGGER.error("Error registering to kubernetes", e);

Here’s the auto-configuration for all previously described beans.

@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "spring.cloud.kubernetes.discovery.register", havingValue = "true")
@AutoConfigureAfter({AutoServiceRegistrationConfiguration.class, KubernetesServiceRegistryAutoConfiguration.class})
public class KubernetesAutoServiceRegistrationAutoConfiguration {
AutoServiceRegistrationProperties autoServiceRegistrationProperties;
public KubernetesAutoServiceRegistration autoServiceRegistration(
@Qualifier("serviceRegistry") KubernetesServiceRegistry registry,
AutoServiceRegistrationProperties autoServiceRegistrationProperties,
KubernetesDiscoveryProperties properties,
KubernetesRegistrationProperties registrationProperties,
KubernetesRegistration registration, PodUtils podUtils) {
return new KubernetesAutoServiceRegistration(registry,
autoServiceRegistrationProperties, registration, properties, registrationProperties, podUtils);
public KubernetesAutoServiceRegistrationListener listener(KubernetesAutoServiceRegistration registration) {
return new KubernetesAutoServiceRegistrationListener(registration);
public KubernetesRegistration registration(KubernetesDiscoveryProperties properties) throws UnknownHostException {
return new KubernetesRegistration(properties);
public KubernetesRegistrationProperties kubernetesRegistrationProperties() {
return new KubernetesRegistrationProperties();

Finally, we may proceed to the most important step – an integration with Kubernetes API. Spring Cloud Kubernetes uses Fabric Kubernetes Client for communication with master API. The KubernetesClient bean is already auto-configured, so we may inject it. The register and deregister methods are implemented in class KubernetesServiceRegistry that implements ServiceRegistry interface. Discovery in Kubernetes is configured via Endpoint API. Each Endpoint contains a list of EndpointSubset that stores a list of registered IPs inside EndpointAddress and a list of listening ports inside EndpointPort. Here’s the implementation of register and deregister methods.

public class KubernetesServiceRegistry implements ServiceRegistry<KubernetesRegistration> {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KubernetesServiceRegistry.class);
private final KubernetesClient client;
private KubernetesDiscoveryProperties properties;
public KubernetesServiceRegistry(KubernetesClient client, KubernetesDiscoveryProperties properties) {
this.client = client;
this.properties = properties;
public void register(KubernetesRegistration registration) {
LOG.info("Registering service with kubernetes: " + registration.getServiceId());
Resource<Endpoints, DoneableEndpoints> resource = client.endpoints()
Endpoints endpoints = resource.get();
if (endpoints == null) {
Endpoints e = client.endpoints().create(create(registration));
LOG.info("New endpoint: {}",e);
} else {
try {
Endpoints updatedEndpoints = resource.edit()
.editMatchingSubset(builder -> builder.hasMatchingPort(v -> v.getPort().equals(registration.getPort())))
.addToAddresses(new EndpointAddressBuilder().withIp(registration.getHost()).build())
LOG.info("Endpoint updated: {}", updatedEndpoints);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
Endpoints updatedEndpoints = resource.edit()
.withPorts(new EndpointPortBuilder().withPort(registration.getPort()).build())
.withAddresses(new EndpointAddressBuilder().withIp(registration.getHost()).build())
LOG.info("Endpoint updated: {}", updatedEndpoints);
public void deregister(KubernetesRegistration registration) {
LOG.info("De-registering service with kubernetes: " + registration.getInstanceId());
Resource<Endpoints, DoneableEndpoints> resource = client.endpoints()
EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddressBuilder().withIp(registration.getHost()).build();
Endpoints updatedEndpoints = resource.edit()
.editMatchingSubset(builder -> builder.hasMatchingPort(v -> v.getPort().equals(registration.getPort())))
LOG.info("Endpoint updated: {}", updatedEndpoints);
.filter(subset -> subset.getAddresses().size() == 0)
.forEach(subset -> resource.edit()
private Endpoints create(KubernetesRegistration registration) {
EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddressBuilder().withIp(registration.getHost()).build();
EndpointPort port = new EndpointPortBuilder().withPort(registration.getPort()).build();
EndpointSubset subset = new EndpointSubsetBuilder().withAddresses(address).withPorts(port).build();
ObjectMeta metadata = new ObjectMetaBuilder()
Endpoints endpoints = new EndpointsBuilder().withSubsets(subset).withMetadata(metadata).build();
return endpoints;

The auto-configuration beans are registered in spring.factories file.


Enabling Registration

Now, we may include already created library to any Spring Cloud application running outside Kubernetes, for example to the employee-service. We are using it together with Spring Cloud Kubernetes.


The registration is still disabled, since we won’t set property spring.cloud.kubernetes.discovery.register to true.

register: true

Sometimes it might be usable to set static IP address in configuration, in case you would have multiple network interfaces.


By setting as static IP address I’m able to easily perform some tests with Minikube node, which is running on VM available under

Manual Testing

Let’s start employee-service locally. As you see on the screen below it has succesfully load configuration from Kubernetes and connected with MongoDB running on the cluster.


After startup the application has registered itself in Kubernetes.


We can view details of employee endpoint using kubectl describe endpoints command as shown below.


Finally we can perform some test call, for example via gateway-service running on Minikube.

$ curl

Since Spring Cloud Kubernetes does not allow discovery across all namespaces for Ribbon client, we should override Ribbon configuration using DiscoveryClient as shown below. For more details you may refer to my article Microservices With Spring Cloud Kubernetes.

public class RibbonConfiguration {
private DiscoveryClient discoveryClient;
private String serviceId = "client";
protected static final String VALUE_NOT_SET = "__not__set__";
protected static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "ribbon";
public RibbonConfiguration () {
public RibbonConfiguration (String serviceId) {
this.serviceId = serviceId;
public ServerList<?> ribbonServerList(IClientConfig config) {
Server[] servers = discoveryClient.getInstances(config.getClientName()).stream()
.map(i -> new Server(i.getHost(), i.getPort()))
return new StaticServerList(servers);


There are some limitations related to discovery with Kubernetes. For example, there is not build-in heartbeat mechanism, so we should take care of removing application endpoints on shutdown. Also I’m not considering security aspects related to allowing discovery across all namespaces and allowing an access to API for external applications. I’m assuming you have guarantee the required level of security when building your Kubernetes cluster, especially if you decide to allow external access to the API. In fact, API is still just API and we may use it. This article shows an example of use case, which may be useful for you. If you compare it with my previous article about Spring Cloud Kubernetes you see that with small configuration changes you can move application outside cluster without adding any new components for a discovery or a distributed configuration.


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Joyk means Joy of geeK