Big Sur: Photoshop and Wacom tablet?

 3 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/big-sur-photoshop-and-wacom-tablet.2267716/
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Big Sur: Photoshop and Wacom tablet?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 4, 2013
I have a mid 2015 15” rMBP. Will it work on Big Sur? More importantly, is there any issues with Photoshop and Wacom tablet? I had issues in the part with some MacOS updates and would not want to repeat the experience.


macrumors 6502a
May 31, 2020 1,209
No issue with latest driver EXCEPT that Gatekeeper might see it as an unidentified developer. The installer is finicky and you might have to disable and re-enable permissions in the Security and Privacy pref pane.


macrumors newbie
Nov 12, 2020
Permission warnings all over the place here after a clean install (even after toggling them off and on in settings). Will wait for Wacom to work on their drivers before upgrading to Big Sur on my work computer...

Reactions: Average Pro


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 4, 2013
Photoshop works fine. I did not chech the wacom tablet yet, but I have seen some comments that it should work


macrumors newbie
Nov 12, 2020
Yea, PS works (so far) fine here too. The Wacom tablet on the other hand does not, at least not for me. I've read others complaining about the same errors I have... which makes PS close to useless for my field of work. I'd wait it out on any work machine.

E.g.: Any issues with Wacom drivers on Mac OS Big Sur?

Average Pro

macrumors 6502
Jul 16, 2013 Cali
When the instruction to install the Wacom require you to restart your computer more than 3 times, log in and out more than 2 times and go into security setting to uncheck and then recheck boxes...there's a serious problem. I tried and tried and then said, "forget it" and removed everything Wacom off of my Mac Pro. And that was not easy either.

Dear Wacom, get your install fixed instead of having us hack our computers to get your program installed.

Reactions: Rashy and Kulfon


macrumors member
Jan 7, 2020
One of the reasons I still ride with Mojave, especially on my 2015 rMBP. Not missing anything, but having full 32bit support, including old wacom drivers still running as they should, rather than Crapalina killing them. Same goes for my audio and DJing software. Newer is not always better.


macrumors 6502
Oct 10, 2005 Nicosia, Cyprus
It's has been quite finicky for me, and even more-so in wireless mode, the connection has like a 1 in 5 chance to stick and i have to keep turning the tablet on and off until it works.


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