Method Decorators in ECMAScript 2015 (and beyond)

 3 years ago
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Method Decorators in ECMAScript 2015 (and beyond)

Writing higher-order functions in JavaScript is a long-established practice:

A higher-order function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments, returns a function, or both.

For example, compose is a higher-order function that takes two functions as arguments, and returns a function that represents the composition of the arguments:

const compose = (a, b) => (c) => a(b(c));

A particularly interesting subset of higher-order functions are higher-order functions that decorate a function. “Function Decorators” take a function as and argument, and return a new function that has semantically similar behaviour, but is “decorated” with some additional functionality.

For example, this very simple maybe function is a function decorator. It takes a function as an argument, and returns a version of that function that returns undefined or null (without any side-effects) if any of its arguments are undefined or null:

const maybe = (fn) =>
  (...args) => {
    for (let arg of args) {
      if (arg == null) return arg;
    return fn(...args);

[1, null, 3, 4, null, 6, 7].map(maybe(x => x * x))
  //=> [1,null,9,16,null,36,49]

A similar decorator, requireAll, raises an exception if a function is invoked without at least as many arguments as declared parameters:

const requireAll = (fn) =>
  function (...args) {
    if (args.length < fn.length)
      throw new Error('missing required arguments');
      return fn(...args);

Function decorators are fairly straightforward. You’ll find a variety of them in popular libraries, such as decorators that memoize a computation or debounce an action that might be performed repeatedly.


simple method decoration

As noted in The Symmetry of JavaScript Functions, these simple decorators work and work well for ordinary functions. But in JavaScript, functions can be invoked in different ways, and some of those ways are slightly incompatible with each other.

Of great interest to us are methods in JavaScript, functions that are used to define the behaviour of instances. When a function is invoked as a method, the name this is bound to the instance, and most methods rely on that binding to work properly.

Consider, for example Person:

class Person {
  setName (first, last) {
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;
    return this;
  fullName () {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

const thinker = new Person()
                  .setName('Albert', 'Einstein');

  //=> 'Albert Einstein'

thinker.setName('Marie', 'Curie');

  //=> 'Marie Curie'

The setName method is a function. Let’s see what happens if we try to decorate it with requireAll:

Object.defineProperty(Person.prototype, 'setName', { value: requireAll(Person.prototype.setName) });

const thinker = new Person()
                  .setName('Albert', 'Einstein');
  //=> Attempted to assign to readonly property.


After some inspection, we realize the problem: Before we decorated it, setName was invoked as a method, and thus this was bound to the thinker instance. But once wrapped in requireAll, our setName function is now invoked as an ordinary function with the line return fn(...args);, so this is set to the wrong thing.

If we want to use requireAll with methods, we have to write it in such a way that it preserves this when it invokes the underlying function:

const requireAll = (fn) =>
  function (...args) {
    if (args.length < fn.length)
      throw new Error('missing required arguments');
      return fn.apply(this, args);

const thinker = new Person()
  //=> missing required arguments

It now works properly, including ignoring invocations that do not pass all the arguments. But you have to be very careful when writing higher-order functions to make sure they work as both function decorators and as method decorators.

the problem with stateful method decorators

Handling this properly is not the only way in which ordinary function decorators differ from method decorators. Some decorators are stateful, like once. Here’s a version that correctly sets this:

const once = (fn) => {
  let hasRun = false;

  return function (...args) {
    if (hasRun) return;
    hasRun = true;
    return fn.apply(this, args);

Imagining for a moment that we wish to only allow a person to have their name set once, we might write:

const once = (fn) => {
  let hasRun = false;

  return function (...args) {
    if (hasRun) return;
    hasRun = true;
    return fn.apply(this, args);

class Person {
  setName (first, last) {
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;
    return this;
  fullName () {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

Object.defineProperty(Person.prototype, 'setName', { value: once(Person.prototype.setName) });

const logician = new Person()
                   .setName('Raymond', 'Smullyan')
                   .setName('Haskell', 'Curry');

  //=> Raymond Smullyan

As we expect, only the first call to .setName has any effect, and it works on a method. But there is a subtle bug that could easily evade naïve attempts to write unit tests:

const logician = new Person()
                   .setName('Raymond', 'Smullyan');

const musician = new Person()
                   .setName('Miles', 'Davis');

  //=> Raymond Smullyan

  //=> Raymond Smullyan


What has happened here is that when we write Object.defineProperty(Person.prototype, 'setName', { value: once(Person.prototype.setName) });, we wrapped a function bound to Person.prototype. That function is shared between all instances of Person. That’s deliberate, it’s the whole point of prototypical inheritance (and the “class-based inheritance” JavaScript builds with prototypes).

Since our once decorator returns a decorated function with private state (the hasRun variable), all the instances share the same private state, and thus the bug.

stateful method decorators

If we don’t need to use the same decorator for functions and for methods, we can rewrite our decorator to use a WeakSet to track whether a method has been invoked for an instance:

const once = (fn) => {
  let invocations = new WeakSet();

  return function (...args) {
    if (invocations.has(this)) return;
    return fn.apply(this, args);

const logician = new Person()
                   .setName('Raymond', 'Smullyan');

logician.setName('Haskell', 'Curry');

const musician = new Person()
                   .setName('Miles', 'Davis');

  //=> Raymond Smullyan

  //=> Miles Davis

Now each instance stores whether .setName has been invoked on each instance a WeakSet, so logician and musician can share the method without sharing its state.


To handle methods, we have introduced “accidental complexity” to handle this and to handle state. Worse, our implementation of once for methods won’t work properly with ordinary functions in “strict” mode:

"use strict"

const hello = once(() => 'hello!');

  //=> undefined is not an object!

If you haven’t invoked it as a method, this is bound to undefined in strict mode, and undefined cannot be added to a WeakSet.

Correcting our decorator to deal with undefined is straightforward:

const once = (fn) => {
  let invocations = new WeakSet(),
      undefinedContext = Symbol('undefined-context');

  return function (...args) {
    const context = this === undefined
                    ? undefinedContext
                    : this;
    if (invocations.has(context)) return;
    return fn.apply(this, args);

However, we’re adding more accidental complexity to handle the fact that function invocation is blue, and method invocation is khaki.1

In the end, we can either write specialized decorators designed specifically for methods, or tolerate the additional complexity of trying to handle method invocation and function invocation in the same decorator.

the bottom line

Function decorators can be used as method decorators, provided that we take care to handle this properly, and manage state carefully when required. The patterns for creating and using method decorators in JavaScript are straightforward, in large part because underneath the syntactic sugar for classes, we are still working with functions, objects, and delegation through prototypes.

Bonus: Method Decorators in ES.later

XFJ 022

Before ECMAScript 2015 (a/k/a “ES6”), we decorated a method in a simple an direct way. Here’s roughly how we used to write Person, using a pseudo-private property pattern:

const once = (fn) => {
  let hasRunValue = false,
      hasRunProperty = "hasRun-" + fn.name + "-" + new Date().getTime();

  return function (...args) {
    if (this == null) {
      if (hasRunValue) return;
      hasRunValue = true;
    else {
      if (this[hasRunProperty]) return;
      Object.defineProperty(this, hasRunProperty, { value: true });
    return fn.apply(this, args);

var Person = function () {};

Person.prototype.setName = once(function setName (first, last) {
  this.firstName = first;
  this.lastName = last;
  return this;

Person.prototype.fullName = function fullName () {
  return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

Our decoration was simply a function call at the exact point where we were associating a function with the prototype. However, this code is inelegant: It separates the creation of the “class” from the definition of each method.

If we had Object.assign or an equivalent, we we’re able to define all of the methods, including decorators, in one step:

var Person = function () {};

_.extend(Person.prototype, {

  setName: once(function setName (first, last) {
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;
    return this;

  fullName: function fullName () {
  return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;


Easy, peasy, lemon-squeezy. But the ECMAScript 2015 syntaxes for classes makes this a tiny bit awkward. When we use a compact method definition, we get things like the method being non-enumerable by default. So to get a similar result in ECMAScript 2015, we have to write some clumsy code after the class has been defined:

Object.defineProperty(Person.prototype, 'setName', { value: once(Person.prototype.setName) });

This is weak for two reasons. First, it’s fugly and full of accidental complexity. Second, modifying the prototype after defining the class separates two things that conceptually ought to be together. The class keyword giveth, but it also taketh away.

To solve a problem created by ECMAScript 2015, method decorators have been proposed for ES.later.2 The syntax is similar to class decorators, but where a class decorator takes a class as an argument and returns the same (or a different) class, a method decorator actually intercedes when a property is defined on the prototype.

Thus, a fluent (a/k/a chain) decorator would look like this:

function fluent (target, name, descriptor) {
  const method = descriptor.value;

  descriptor.value = function (...args) {
    method.apply(this, args);
    return this;

And we’d use it like this:

class Person {

  setName (first, last) {
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;

  fullName () {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;


Once again, we end up with two kinds of decorators: One for functions, and one for methods, with different structures. We need a new colour!

But since decorators are expressions, we can alleviate the pain with an adaptor:

const wrapWith = (decorator) =>
  function (target, name, descriptor) {
    descriptor.value = decorator(descriptor.value);

function fluent (method) {
  return function (...args) {
    method.apply(this, args);
    return this;

class Person {

  setName (first, last) {
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;

  fullName () {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;


  1. See the aforelinked The Symmetry of JavaScript Functions 

  2. By “ES.later,” we mean some future version of ECMAScript that is likely to be approved eventually, but for the moment exists only in transpilers like Babel. Obviously, using any ES.later feature in production is a complex decision requiring many more considerations than can be enumerated in a blog post. 

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