Type-safe bindings from JS to Reason for dummies

 3 years ago
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Type-safe bindings from JS to Reason for dummies

Oct 17, 2017 • Yehonathan Sharvit

Sometimes, we need to be able to access JS code from our reason code. This is part of what is called the Javascript interop.

More specifically, this is called FFI (foreign function interface). A FFI is a mechanism by which a program written in one programming language can call routines or make use of services written in another.

In the context of reason, in order to access JS code, we have to build type-safe bindings from JS to Reason. For that purpose, we have to write type declarations.

FFI in Reason is very powerful but this power comes at a price. It is a bit complex to understand how it works.

The purpose of this article is to expose the main features of Reason FFI in a simple way in order to help you overcoming the difficulty of the syntax.


Binding to simple JS functions values

Let’s take a look at some examples:

Here is how we make the Math.sqrt function accessible to our reason code:

[@bs.val] external sqrt : float => float = "Math.sqrt" ;
let a = sqrt (2.0);

When the assigned name is exactly the same as the original name, we can leave the name empty:

[@bs.val] external encodeURIComponent : string => string = "" ;
let a = encodeURIComponent("Hello World\n");

Binding to JavaScript constructor: bs.new

bs.new is used to create a JavaScript object.

type date;
[@bs.new] external create_date : unit => date = "Date";
let date = create_date (); 

Binding to method: bs.send and bs.send.pipe

bs.send allows us to call a method of a JS object. For instance, this is how we can bind dom.getElementById

dom is an abstract type for the DOM element is an abstract type fot the element

type dom;
[@bs.val] external dom : dom = "document";
type element;
[@bs.send] external get_by_id : dom => string => element = "getElementById";

let a = get_by_id(dom, "klipse");

bs.send.pipe is similar to bs.send except that the first argument, i.e, the object, is put in the position of last argument to help user write in a chaining style:

[@bs.send.pipe : array('a)] external map : ([@bs] ('a => 'b)) => array('b) = "";

let test (arr) = 
    |> map ([@bs] (fun (x) => x + 1))
    |> map ([@bs] (fun (x) => x * 4) );

let a = test([|1,2,3|])

In case, you are not familiar yet with Ocaml/Reason pipe operator, here is the transpiled js code:

[@bs.send.pipe : array('a)] external map : ([@bs] ('a => 'b)) => array('b) = "";

let test (arr) = 
    |> map ([@bs] (fun (x) => x + 1))
    |> map ([@bs] (fun (x) => x * 4) );

If you are curious about the [@bs] attribute in the callback, see Binding to callbacks (high-order function).

Binding to dynamic key access/set: bs.set_index and bs.get_index

Here is how we can have a dynamic access to a JavaScript property:

type js_array;
[@bs.new] external create : int => js_array = "Int32Array";
[@bs.get_index] external get : js_array => int => int = "";
[@bs.set_index] external set : js_array => int => int => unit = "";

let i32arr = create(3);
set(i32arr, 0, 42);
let a = get(i32arr, 0);

Binding to Getter/Setter: bs.get, bs.set

This attribute helps get and set the property of a JavaScript object.

Let’s define a javascript object inside a javascript klipse snippet:

var bob = {"name": "Bob", "age": 32};

Now, here is how we can create setters and getters to this javascript object (Thank you @yawaramin from Reason Discord!):

type person;
[@bs.val] external bob : person = "";
[@bs.get] external get_age : person => int = "age";
[@bs.set] external set_age : (person, int) => unit = "age";

let () = {
  let bobAge = get_age(bob);
  set_age(bob, bobAge + 1)

Just for the fun, take a look at how simple and clean the transpiled js code:

type person;
[@bs.val] external bob : person = "";
[@bs.get] external get_age : person => int = "age";
[@bs.set] external set_age : (person, int) => unit = "age";

let () = {
  let bobAge = get_age(bob);
  set_age(bob, bobAge + 1)

Splice calling convention: bs.splice

In JS, it is quite common to have a function take variadic arguments. BuckleScript supports typing homogeneous variadic arguments. Instead of passing a variable number of arguments, we pass an array:

[@bs.val] [@bs.splice] external max : array(int) => int = "Math.max";

max([|10, 12, 99|]);

Binding to a value from a module: bs.module

We can bind to values from a js module:

[@bs.module "x"] external add : (int, int) => int = "add";

let f = add(3, 4);

We can even hint the compiler to generate a better name for the module:

[@bs.module ("x", "cool-x")] external add : (int, int) => int = "add";

let f = add(3, 4);

There are many other advanced features of Bucklescript FFI. You can read about the in the excellent official BuckleScript manual.

It is also interesting to note that with FFI it is quite simple to access React.js component inside a ReasonReact project as it is exlained here.

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