
 3 years ago
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我不愿意把代码重复三份,分别为三种并行库编写程式,所以就用 autotools 管理项目,用不同的选项来启用不同的功能。这样做的另一个好处是很容易支持MPI+Pthreads或者MPI+OpenMP甚至是MPI+Pthreads+OpenMP,尽管这样混用不会带来性能上的提升。


根据牛顿万有引力公式和第二运动定律很容易导出直观的 $O(n^2)$ 算法。使用 Barnes-Hut 近似模拟算法可以优化至 $O(n \log n)$。代码重用做得不是很好,为2d和3d情形分别实现了quad-tree和oct-tree。

According to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, every body attracts every other body
by a force pointing along the line intersecting both centers.
The force is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to
the square of the distance between them:

F = G \frac{M m}{r^2}

By Newton’s Second Law, the acceleration is expressed by $F = m a$.

Combing the two laws, we can easily deduce an direct-sum algorithm to calculate the accelerations
of these bodies, which would be $O(n^2)$. However, the brute-force simulation
has low data dependency and is easy to be reformed to a parallelized algorithm.

Barnes-Hut simulation decreases the time complexity to $O(n \log n)$
which exploting a quad-tree (in the 2-dimensional case) and
approximate a distant cluster of bodies to a point. Each node in the
quad-tree represents a subspace. The root node represents the whole
space and its four children represent the four quadrants of the space.
The resultant force attracted by a distant cluster of bodies is treated as
being attracted by the center of mass.

To determine if the cluster is sufficiently far away, I compute the
quotient $s/d$, where $s$ is the size of the subspace and $d$ the
distance between the body and the center of mass. If $s/d < \theta$,
the cluster is considered distant.


单单考虑碰撞检测,这类问题通常会把球用 axis-aligned minimum bound-ing rectangle 包裹起来。
相当一部分算法能处理这个问题,比如 R-tree、BSP tree、2-dimensional segment tree、spatial hashing、扫描线+interval tree、
扫描线+segment tree等。我在项目中实现了后两种以及 BSP tree。

Each body along with the imaginary position when it reaches the
destination after the time slice, is enclosed in a axis-aligned
minimum bounding rectangle
. It is easy to decuce that if two body
collides in the time slice, then their bounding rectangles
intersect. The property can be used to accelerate the performance of
collision detecting.

Several existing approaches deal with the intersection detection problem straightforwardly.

  • R-tree and its variants. R-trees are tree data structures used for
    spatial access methods and the most immediate solution to the problem.
  • Binary space partitioning tree. They are developed in the context of computer graphics
    are are also suitable for the problem.
  • 2-dimensional segment tree. First notice that two rectangles overlaps iff their projections
    on coordinate axes overlap. We need to construct a 2-dimensional segment tree with $O(n \log^2 n)$
    space which supports $O(n \log^2 n)$ query.
  • Spatial hashing. Subdivide the plane into a set of voxels (a term used in image processing,
    the smallest distinguishable box-shaped part) and thus forms a mesh. Each voxel contains a
    bucket of bodies. Put each body into the buckets corresponsing its
    occupied voxels. Before insertng into a voxel, each existing body in the
    cell is a candidate for potential collision.

Other approaches including using a sweep line algorithm to reduce the
problem to the 1-dimensional case (overlapping interval search

  • Interval tree. It is a tree data structure holding intervals. Space
    complexity $\Theta(n)$, construction time complexity $O(n \log n)$,
    query time complexity $O(\log n + k)$.
  • Segment tree. Space/construction time complexity $O(n \log n)$,
    query time complexity $O(\log n + k)$.

Approaches exploiting the property of temporal coherence:

  • TPR-tree and a few ramification. A variant of R-tree taking
    advantages of spatio-temporal updates.

I’ll expatiate three data structures implemented in my project.

Binary space partitioning tree

The implementation is in the file =src/BSPTree.cc=.

The construction process is rather simple and straightforward.
I start with the whole scene and a list of bounding boxes, recursively
divide the scene into two until the number of bodies in the subspace
is less than a threshold (=NODE_SIZE_THRESHOLD=) or there is no
balanced partition scheme. Each separating line is parallel to X, Y or Z axis.

For a range query, we examine whether the cube in question intersects
with the left-subspace. If so, recursively do a query in the
left-subspace. The same process also applies to the right-subspace.

Sweep line algorithm + Interval tree

The implementation is in the file =src/IntervalTree.cc=.

Well, in this project I also use a much easier but also efficient
approach combining a sweep line algorithm and an interval tree besides
a BSP tree implementation.

  • Each bounding rectangle has an upper and a lower edges. They mark the timestamp between which the
    rectangle is valid.
  • Sort these edges by their y coordinates and process these edges in
    ascending order. For an upper edge, search all the valid rectangles
    and find those x-axis spans (intervals) which overlaps the span of the
    current rectangle, and then insert the x-axis span into a data
    structure. For these overlapping intervals, check whether the
    corresponding rectangle is marked valid and if so, do a precise
    detection. For a lower edge, delete the x-axis span from the data

The unamed data structure should support following operations
efficiently: insert an interval, query all intervals overlapping given
interval (overlapping interval search problem).

The query can be fulfilled by an interval tree. Construct an
interval tree with all intervals but do not really store these
intervals. This makes the constructed tree balanced.

Suppose $n$ is the number of bodies. The interval tree can be
constructed in $\Theta(n \log n)$ time while each insertion runs in
$O(\log n)$ time and each query runs in $O(\log n + k)$ time where $k$
is the number of overlapping intervals.

Sweep line algorithm + Segment tree

Ditto on the reduction part. Create a sorted list of unique X coordinates
extracted from those bounding boxes: $p_0, p_1, p2, \ldots, p{m}$.
These coordinates form $m$ segments: $[p_0,p_1), [p_1,p2), \ldots, [p{m-1},p_m)$.
Each leaf node represents a segment while each internal node represents several segments.


The most accurate approach is to deduce the nearest collision event,
simulate the event, and then find another. However, this is incapable
of handling hundreds of bodies, especially when there are some
high-speed and light bodies. They will frequently change directions
and affect other bodies.

A comparatively coarse one is to calculate $n(n-1)/2$ pair-wise collision events
and simulate them one after another. It is coarse in the sense that it may not
handle multiple collisions taking place on one single body correctly.

The two mentioned ways are neither efficient nor parallelizable. One simple mend
making the latter parallelizable is to update velocities after all collision events are
processed, but incurs the inaccuracy that the updated velocity of the other body in a collision won’t
be reflected immediately.

I used a non-parallelizable, asymptotically optimal sequential approach that is a bit accurate then the above one.

By the way, to make the calculation of the collision point more accurate, I’ll use a techinique stated below:

Suppose $\vec{p_0}, \vec{p_0}$ are positions of the two bodies and $\vec{\Delta p}, \vec{\Delta q}$
their translational vectors. Then we can parametrize their positions:

\vec{p}(t) = \vec{p_0} + t \vec{\Delta p} \
\vec{q}(t) = \vec{q_0} + t \vec{\Delta q}

We will try to solve the equation $|\vec{p}(t)-\vec{q}(t)|=R+r$ where $R,r$ are radii of the two bodies.
This is a quadratic equation and we should care whether the smaller root $t_0$ satisfies $0 \le t_0 \le 1$ or the two bodies overlap.
If so, teleports the two bodies to their collision moment which is $now + t_0 \Delta t$ and carry out an elastic collision.

Since collision only imparts force along the line of collision, only the
velocities that are along the line of collision should be changed, thus degrades to
1-dimensional case.

原始码包中 scripts/a.py 是用 pyopengl 编写的简单播放器。

src/n-body -f text -d 3 -n 20 --fps 20 -t 2 | python scripts/a.py




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