Effigy, a distributed social data layer

 3 years ago
source link: https://willschenk.com/articles/2020/effigy_social_data_layer/
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neoserver,ios ssh client

Scuttlebutt is awesome, let’s run with it

Published July 3, 2020 #p2p, #design, #overview, #serverless, #websockets, #webrtc

I grew up in the world of BBSes, Usenet, and, to some extent, UUCP before that. This was fun – a world wide network all built up by volunteers sharing. Since we are all carrying supercomputers around now with massive idle storage and bandwidth, let's think about how we can recreate some of that fun, independent data sharing with modern web technologies, specifically Websockets and WebRTC. All you need is the computer that you already have with you.


We're going to take a lot of concepts from what's been done before and remix them all. Here are some of the specific projects and ideas that I was inspired by – I have no idea which came first in the history of things, but this reflects my journey.

  • From UUCP we will take the idea that you store data on your "neighbors", can request functionality from other connections, and need no centralizing authority.

  • From Fidonet we try and vibe off of the energy of Tom Jennings, but actually keep that anarcist spirit alive by avoiding all centralized authority.

  • From Scuttlebutt we will take identity-centric sharing, that network block and sharing is reflective of real human networks, feed posting, group encryption, "every client is a pub", and its offline-first ideas.

  • From BitTorrent we take the concepts of stateless tracker servers and in general distributed file-sharing.

  • From Blockchain we take the idea that the system has rules for accepting feeds, and that you could memorize your private key with a word sentence mnenomic.

  • From ipfs we will take the idea that content is self-signing, content blobs can be Merkle trees of directories, and that it needs to run as a Javascript user process in the browser.

  • From dat we take some of the ideas of being able to update on a key that is shared around.

  • From syncthing the idea of mutually signing your devices to setup file mirroring, also passing keys around with QR scodes.

  • From textile threads we take the ideas of feed-read keys vs content-read keys.

  • From Progressive Web Apps we take the idea that it's easy to deploy and install on your device without going through gatekeepers, that we expect storage to be ephemeral, and multiple devices go to the same account.

In terms of intellectual heritage this follows primarily from Scuttlebutt's principles and Scuttlebutt's no centralization and no singletons – so a huge shoutout to Dominic Tarr – and then trying to apply the concepts so that it can work on regular browsers.

Much of the following document will try to work around the strengths and weaknesses of browsers – specifically that they are the best application platform since everyone has access to them, that they don't accept incoming connections, and that they don't provide very good presistent storage guarantees. The ideas of ssb and dat are great, but they don't work in browsers. No electron or JavaScript unsupported by browsers here.

Also, let's recognize that all of this doesn't need to be so complicated. If we can relax some restrictions, getting things close is good enough. If you assume that people have multiple devices, they ensure that their data is both on their phone and their laptop, and their friend's phone and friend's laptop ,and then you don't need to go through all of these crazy incentive systems that you get with Textile or Filecoin. There's no highlevel incentive for BitTorrent and that seems to be doing just fine. We are sharing things with friends here, that's the mindset.

In a situation where all your devices explode at the same time you can just check in with your actual social network to recover from a disaster, just like real life.


Content addressable

Every bit of content is named by its signature, so therefore the data doesn't live anywhere. The private key is the only special information, and perhaps this could be a mnenomic like "memorize your bitcoin wallet address with this weird sentence thing."

Machines connect, cache, and share the data that they have. Like NNTP, it starts out with a IWANT and IHAVE negotiation to get the heads, and then pulls stuff down as needed.

Larger blobs are stored the same way, so there's an underlying object cloud there. Blob size is shared as part of the protocol, so when available blobs are announced you know how big it is.


Identity is the public key, which is generated on startup. There is a private key that signs every bit of data you put in the system and you "are" your public key.

When communicating with other devices, you will generally annouce an [identity,head] pair. The head is the "latest" entry in a chain based on its ID. This ID could be the time signature, but since only one device can create an entry (since entries are signed by the private key they can't be forged) there's no need for synchronization.


Entries are a JSON string followed by a signature, or they are an encrypted object.

The payload of an entry is either a JSON string, or an encrytped string.

The key of the entry is the hash of the full entry, including the signature.

Each entry JSON object contains:

identityof the signer of the blobparentpointer to parent entitycomparablelike an id or timestamp, must be positive integersynod[identity,head] of synodpayloadsee below

(Synod described below but in short is the account concept that groups devices together and lists current signalling servers and dropboxes.)

When you get an entity, you first figure out if it's valid – first by checking to see if the blob hashes to the blob name, and secondarily to see if the identity is the signer of the message. If an entry is announced as part of a [identity,head] pair then the inner and outer identities are compared to see if they are identical, and the operation is aborted if not.

Once the entity is valid, it goes on the identity entry list. This list is sorted by comparable, and the highest number is considered to be this node's version of head for that entity. This identity can optionally go on the identity watch list which will be used to follow information for this identity in the future.

Payload Types


Payloads have different types, and ultimately reference larger blobs in the network.

synodsynod data objectidentificationjson with name, about, whateverpublic_notenote to the worldprivate_notenote to people with readkeysimagepointer to image blobcollectionpointer to archive of blobstagmarking an entry in some waycommentmake a comment to on an entryfollowyou announce that you are following a feedblockyou tell the system you no longer are tracking and sharing an identitymuteencrypted block that pretends not to know anything


Referencing other entries are to its hash, which contains a pointer to the identity and the synod. Both the identity and the synod can be referenced with the blob request mechanism. Once these are loaded, the system then uses the [identity,head] from the signalling server or connected clients to reconstruct the feed, whose entries are validated using the signatures.

References are not to the feed itself, but to an entry on the feed. So it's possible to find references to an entity, locate the last version of its feed, but not find the original entity on it. This would be in the scenario where a user deleted an entry for their feed, and all the subsequent items needed to be rewritten and republished. This will break references to that entity and all following entity so change the past with care.


Synods are a special type of identity that is used to

  1. collect identities together

  2. publish frequented singalling servers

  3. publish dropboxes monitored

  4. summarize profile information

An identity is part of a synod

  • identity has signed the synod public key in an entry signed by the synod's private keys

  • there is not a identity revoked entry in the synod's feed

From a User Interface perspective then a synod should be considered as the profile of the user, and the latest information here should be the avatar and display name. follow messages can be posted in device identity streams or synod streams which implies that you can choose what to replicate depending on which device you are using.

All identities of a synod are expected to mutually replicate, so in the case that you do lose your device/key you'll be able to recover all of your information.

A group of signalling servers are published with the synod, so if you want to send a message to that user or be able to sync up their latest head you have a place to start.

Some signalling servers can optionally accept incoming drop messages. This is an [target_identity,identity,entry] tuple that is marked as targeting a specific target_dentity (or synod) so you can contact other people on the network if they aren't already following you.

The User Interface is expected to highlight incoming messages for non-followed identites that you can choose to read, acknowledge, reply or ignore. There is no confirmation mechanism for the sender to know that the message has been received without user action.

Synods are basically another type of feed that contains pointers to shared identities, a list of used signal servers, and profile information. They're designed to work around "losing your private key is losing your identity" and it provides a way to publish changes for super old entiries whose identities aren't being shared anymore.


Every entry is a json blob which points to its previous blob. The key of the blob is its hashkey, so that you can ask for a key and verify that the data is correct. It doesn't matter who or where you get the data from.

All entries are signed by the public key of the identity, so you know that it's from the same private key.

Valid feeds

Invalid feeds don't propogate

  1. Feeds that are too large for the network to propagate. (e.g. you can post a link to a movie but not the movie itself)

  2. Feeds that contain invalidly signed entries

  3. Feeds that contain unencryted images with exif data

  4. Feeds that have a revoked public key (i.e. last valid id was x everything after that is wrong)


Each node keeps track of identities and heads, which is the latest entry. When a node connects, it announces all of the identities that are tracked, and what latest head it has. Nodes can then share and request heads, and if they have the feed read keys they can trace things backwards to get to the root.


How does SSB have messages that multiple people can decrypt? It's documented here, but I don't understand it yet.

Everyone has a head, which is the latest that the feed has. Each entry is a type and a pointer to a previous feed.

Deletion is done with rebasing, which means that you are able to rewrite your feed. So content that you address for commenting or whatever needs to be separate from the feed itself, and in theory you could comment upon a feed entry that is missing from the head. These orphaned contents will always point to an identity, and the datablobs are the same, but may not be discoverable.

Drop Box

Some singalling servers provide a dropbox service, which allows blobs to be stored and shared on a server for a finite period of time and offered up to every client that connects to the server. These are expected to be multiencrypted with the synod's public key and perhaps with the sub-identities key so the recipient is obscured.

The synod should announce endpoints that it uses for signalling and where it potentially receives messages.

The system should pull down messages from the inboxes – which can be public places that automatically delete everything after 14 days or whenever – and then you can choose to pull something down or not. Entries are meant to be small but can point to larger blobs.


The protocol exchanges JSON messages over a reliable transport that delivers complete, discrete messages. Initial implementation targets websockets and WebRTC data transport.

When a node to node connection is established – using WebSockets to a well known address for example – a session is created between the two nodes. This is done by node a generating a random string and node b signing it, and node b generating a random string and node a signing it. Once done, both nodes know that the other is in possession of the private key that matches their public key.

Nodes then announce which services they are willing to provide to each other, which could be a subset of the full set of services provided for trusted identities.


Each client is able to provide services for other ones outside of blob propogation, which all clients are required to provide, though they have no requirement for any data persistency. (In other words, you need to be able to serve up at least blob referencing your identity and things you choose, but don't need to serve anything you don't have or want to share.)

ServiceDescriptionblobsBlob sharingheadtrackingremembers the latest head for identitiessignallingNetwork presencerelayingpassing data to a mutually connection not directlydropboxReceives and forwards requests from unknown identitiesdata leaseStoring of blobs with some guarenteesvoiceVoice callingvideoVideo calling

Blob sharing

Every bit of data in the system is stored as a key pair, with the key being the cryptographic hash of the data. This blob could be an entities which contains metadata to describe itself; a signature and a link to a blob containing the public key signing it, and a link to a synod which is the account that is associated with the identity.

When a client connects, it notifies the other side which blobs it's interested in, and other other side says which blobs it has.


Signalling is a way to broadcast to other nodes the your latest [identity,head] pair and as a way to coordinate WebRTC connections. If two clients are connected over Websockets to the same singalling server they can exchange messages directly, which allows for offer and answer SDP messages to make initial contact with a node that doesn't allow incoming connections (i.e. web browsers) and then will be able to coordinate the connection through a STUN server.

Providing this service requires a DNS name and an externally accessible IP address, though probably not a huge amount of data (unless it's also caching and storing a lot of blobs). Additional directory and other services could be worth paying for.


Relaying moving data through this system if the two nodes can't connect directly. I'm envisioning having a coturn instance acting as a TURN server that understands the identity as authentication.

Providing this service requires bandwidth and an externally accessible IP, so it's logical to charge money for this.


This node receives messages for another user for situations where the recipient has no knowledge of the sender and therefore no reason to be tracking their identity. The next time the recipient connects to this signalling server, it will see the message.

Signalling services that the recipient has requested as a dropbox are published as part of their synod, so you'll need that in order to direct a message to them.

Data Leasing

Data leasing is a quest for the node to store an identities data for at least a certain period of time, to make it accessible to the network when the original device is offline. This is similar to a pinning service in IPFS.

One scenario is that all of the identities in a synod provide mutual data leasing, which means that your data is backed up on all of your devices. You could lose everything less 1 and still be able to recreate the graph.

Another scenario is that you provide leasing to trusted friends, the sort of people you give spare house keys to, so that if either of you have a catastrophic failure you can reconstruct everything. (Some provision for recovering lost synod private keys would need to be thought out.)

A third example is providing data leasing as a service, which would be something that you could charge for.

scale 800 width
clienta->clientb: wantservice(sessiontoken)
clientb->clienta: providesservice(sessiontoken)
clienta->clientb: call(service,datalease,head)

Voice and Video

If both identities are mutually trusted and on a permitted contact list then they can use the WebRTC mechanisms to have real time communication. I'm not sure how well push notifications really work over progressive web apps, but seems worth exploring since we already are connecting over WebRTC.

Request Sequences


When a client starts up, it connects to the clients it knows about and is able to reach. It first announces the service that it provides to the network, in the case it has a list of identity heads and can store blobs.

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client1 -> client2 : sessionrequest[identity1,head1,challenge1]
client2 -> client1 : sessionrequest[identity2,head2,challenge2]
client1 -> client2 : sessionauth[signed(identity1,challenge2)]
client2 -> client1 : sessionauth[signed(identity2,challenge1)]

If either of the signatures don't match, then the session is considered unauthenticated.

If the signature matches, then the head announced is considered to be the head of the respective identity. Note that it not a requirement that a head tracking service downloads and verifies the head

Service Discovery

After authentication the clients exchange the list of services they are willing to provide to the other.

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client1 -> client2 : provides[service_list]
client2 -> client1 : provides[service_list]

TODO There needs to be a way for the client to request access to an additional service.

Head Tracking

Here one side sends a get_heads request for its identity watch list. The other returns with a list of [identity,head] pairs for identities that it knows about.

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client1 -> client2 : getHeads([identities])
client2 -> client1 : lastKnownHeads([identities,heads])


Signalling is tracking presence and helping to coordinate connections between devices (i.e. start of the WebRTC handshake).

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client -> signalserver : online
signalserver -> otherclients : online(identity,head)
signalserver -> client : presence_list(identities)
client -> signalserver : <disconnect>
signalserver -> otherclients : offline(identity)
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client1 -> signalserver : message_to(identity2,payload)
signalserver -> client2 : message_from(identity1,payload)

The signal server returns that it tracks presence, can forward messages between clients, and also tracks identity heads. It is not required to store blobs.

The client requests a list of heads for things on the identity watch list, and the signalling server returns the union of what it knows about and what the client is tracking.

The client then requests the presence list of clients connected to the signalling server, and the signalling server returns a list of connected clients with their heads. The server also announces to everyone else that the client is connected.

At this point the client is ready to start connecting to other clients through the signalling server.


Clients periodically send iwant lists to each other, returning the blobs that it has or is willing to share (based on perhaps bandwidth, if the client is operating on a battery, or over a metered celluar connection).

TODO Clients should track incoming blob requests and outgoing blog bandwidth to create a leech ratio that takes into account sharing reciprocity. Credit is created by sharing more or perhaps by purchasing bandwidth from the remote server. The request is signed by the identity so the clients can tell who is asking for what.

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clienta->clientb: iwant(blobs)
clientb->clienta: ihave(blobs)
clienta->clientb: getblob(blob,maxsize)
clientb->clienta: blob

Once the client is connected to a system, signal or client, it sends a list of the blobs that it wants. Since these are content addressable and signed by the identity, it doesn't matter where they come from.

A signal server may or may not have blobs – it's a regular client that presumably is free of firewall and NAT messiness, and had the additional feature of being able to relay requests.

Identity tracking

The client looks through its list of identities, and all of the head announcements that it's received. For each of these it tries to get the blob associated with the head. Note that synod are also identities so fall into this logic as well.

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(*) --> "Receive identity,head message"

If "tracking identity" then
  -->[Yes] "get blob"
  -->[No] "ignore"

"get blob" If "has blob" then
  -->[Yes] If "decrypt blob" then
    -->[get parent] "get blob"
    -->[No] "ignore"

  ->[No] "add to iwantlist"

--> (*)

Chain validity

  1. All entries need to be less than 15K. TODO

  2. All unencrypted entries to photos must not have location data.

  3. All head requests with an synod identity with a final head must be marked invalid.


  1. First pass at technical design - Done

  2. Prototyping started - 2020-07-03


I can be reached at @wschenk, @[email protected], and [email protected]

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