Vimconf.live - The world's virtual vim conference.

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.vimconf.live/
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Come join the world's first virtual vim conf

We're bringing together Vimmers from all around the world to connect and share their love and passion for all things vim!


Watch all the lectures on YouTube

You can find all the lectures from the event on our YouTube channel

What to look forward to!

Our aim is to bring you the most interesting, engaging and enlightening vim content to bring new ideas to your world and always help you reach that next step in your vim journey.


The world of vim plugins are vast and enthralling. We aim to bring you the cutting edge in plugin capabilities.

Find solutions to your vim question

We all run into issues in vim, at the conference you'll have the chance to connect with other experienced vimmers and pick their brain for support.

New vim horizons

We all want to see what the future will bring for vim, and here we aim to bring the brightest minds working on the future of the vim world to share their works.

Vim in your

Lectures on how people are using vim everday in their work and ways you can implement it as well!


The world of vim plugins are vast and enthralling. We aim to bring you the cutting edge in plugin capabilities.

Find solutions to your vim question

We all run into issues in vim, at the conference you'll have the chance to connect with other experienced vimmers and pick their brain for support.

New vim horizons

We all want to see what the future will bring for vim, and here we aim to bring the brightest minds working on the future of the vim world to share their works.

Vim in your

Lectures on how people are using vim everday in their work and ways you can implement it as well!


Attendees and




Countries represented


Epic MC

Our Speakers

From across the globe, some of the best and brightest minds in the
vim community are coming to share their experience and expertise with the community.


Vim Speed 🏃

A classic spirited talk on speed and mastery of Vim movements. Also some data on key strokes and speed. Is the shortest amount of keystrokes always the fastest way to interact with vim? What does (limited) data suggest about speed of keystrokes?

Vim as a Word Processor 📝

We will discuss why you want to use Vim as a word processor and go over configurations, plugin's, and command-line tools that will help you do so. My presentation will be completely beginner-friendly. Whether you are brand new to Vim or an experienced Vim-veteran, you will leave my presentation with the confidence and knowledge to configure your own Vim word processor.

From user to contributor 🆒

Let me bring you through the journey from user to contributor, through my example with treesitter, and let me convince you that you can do it too.

Putting the Neo in NeoVim ✨

What it took for me to finally switch to NeoVim after being a vim user for 20+ years.

Neovim 0.5: a vision

@bfredl's crazy plans for Neovim 0.5 and beyond

Why Lua? 🤔

Why does Neovim use Lua and how can you start writing plugins and config in Lua

Builtin LSP 🎙️

What is LSP and why does Neovim ship with it now. More general info.

Onivim: Modal Editing from the Future 👾

I'll talk about Onivim - how it started, has evolved, and show demos of the current state. I'll showcase the user experience as well as talk about the underlying technology (libvim/Revery/etc)

IDE-like navigation & tooling for any language, plugin-free! 🧰

In this talk we’ll focus on how Vim can be quickly tailored for any language to support efficient navigation with the use of tags, path-based operations, include file search, and project-centric directory management. In addition, we’ll look into how we can exploit Vim’s native features to setup a more integrated experience for code compilation and formatting. We’ll be using Golang as an example language, walking through how to customize a fresh installation of Vim to accommodate smooth navigation and development of Go source code within a matter of minutes, with no external plugins involved.

Vim isn't an Editor it's an Instrument 🎛️

Applying Techniques from playing improvised music to Vim, as well as making music with Vim!

The Open-source summer experience ⛺

What is GSoC? What was my project? How did I get involved with neovim? How can you do what I did?

What *can't* you do in Neovim? 🤷

Ashkan Kiani spends his days figuring out the limitations of what you should put inside of an editor and ignoring those limitations. A demonstration of plugin's from simple to *advanced* and beyond

Giving Vim Superpowers 🦸

Workshop: A guided session on going from a bare Vim config to a tricked out productivity powerhouse. We'll cover how to set up a plugin manager, install and interface with external command line tools, and seize control of even the gnarliest of codebases!

How Did Vim Become So Popular 🏺

A walkthrough on how Vim became what it is today, a powerful text editor that is used by many.

Conversational Software Development: What, Why and How 🗣️

A journey into interactive Lisp evaluation for Neovim dotfiles and plugins as well as Clojure and Janet projects. Finish up with an interactive Conjure tutorial (requires curl and an up to date nvim) that gets you evaluating just like me within seconds!

Sharpening the axe 🪓

Insights learned from 10 years of dotfile tweakingbu

Learning Vim: the path to mastery 🧘

Tips on useful resources and building muscle memory, with some demos of useful plugins and tricks along the way.

Learning VimScript 🧐

We will spend time learning VimScript as a programming language familiarizing with keywords, syntax, functions and gotchas and finally build a plugin.


We're grateful to have the following sponsors supporting this event and vim love globally!

sponsor-onivim.png vimtricks-2.png

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK