
 3 years ago
source link: http://www.cnblogs.com/mrlayfolk/p/13334881.html
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1  简介

参考视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1XW411x7NU?p=88


SQLite:SQLite 是一个软件库,实现了自给自足的、无服务器的、零配置的、事务性的 SQL 数据库引擎。具体的操作命令可参考: https://www.runoob.com/sqlite/sqlite-tutorial.html


2  测试及说明




1 db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");



1 QSqlQuery query;
2     query.exec("create table student(id int primary key, name varchar(255), age int, score int);");


 1     //批量插入:odbc风格
 2     //预处理语句
 3     query.prepare("insert into student(name, age, score) values(?, ?, ?);");
 4     // 给字段设置内容
 5     QVariantList nameList;
 6     nameList << "xiaoming" << "xiaokong" << "xiaojiang";
 7     QVariantList ageList;
 8     ageList << 22 << 21 << 24;
 9     QVariantList scoreList;
10     scoreList << 89 << 99 << 78;
11     //给字段绑定相应的值,必须按顺序绑定
12     query.addBindValue(nameList);
13     query.addBindValue(ageList);
14     query.addBindValue(scoreList);
15     //执行预处理命令
16     query.execBatch();


1     query.exec("select * from student");
2     while (true == query.next()) {  //一行一行遍历
3         //取出当前行的内容,以列为单位
4         qDebug() << query.value(0).toInt()  //取第一列
5                  << query.value(1).toString() //取第二列
6                  << query.value("age").toInt()
7                  << query.value("score").toInt();
8     }


 1 #include "widget.h"
 2 #include "ui_widget.h"
 3 #include <QDebug>
 4 #include <QSqlDatabase>
 5 #include <QMessageBox>
 6 #include <QSqlError>
 7 #include <QSqlQuery>
10 Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent) :
11     QWidget(parent),
12     ui(new Ui::Widget)
13 {
14     ui->setupUi(this);
16     //打印qt支持的数据库驱动
17     qDebug() << QSqlDatabase::drivers();
19     //添加sqlite数据库
20     db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
21     //设置数据库
22     db.setDatabaseName("../info.db");
23     //打开数据库
24     if (db.open() == false) {
25         QMessageBox::warning(this, "错误", db.lastError().text());
26         return;
27     }
28     //操作sql语句
29     QSqlQuery query;
30     query.exec("create table student(id int primary key, name varchar(255), age int, score int);");
31     //批量插入:odbc风格
32     //预处理语句
33     query.prepare("insert into student(name, age, score) values(?, ?, ?);");
34     // 给字段设置内容
35     QVariantList nameList;
36     nameList << "xiaoming" << "xiaokong" << "xiaojiang";
37     QVariantList ageList;
38     ageList << 22 << 21 << 24;
39     QVariantList scoreList;
40     scoreList << 89 << 99 << 78;
41     //给字段绑定相应的值,必须按顺序绑定
42     query.addBindValue(nameList);
43     query.addBindValue(ageList);
44     query.addBindValue(scoreList);
45     //执行预处理命令
46     query.execBatch();
48     query.exec("select * from student");
49     while (true == query.next()) {  //一行一行遍历
50         //取出当前行的内容,以列为单位
51         qDebug() << query.value(0).toInt()  //取第一列
52                  << query.value(1).toString() //取第二列
53                  << query.value("age").toInt()
54                  << query.value("score").toInt();
55     }
56 }
58 Widget::~Widget()
59 {
60     delete ui;
61 }

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