Statically Sized Higher-kinded Polymorphism

 4 years ago
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Memory-sensitive languages like C++ and Rust use compile-time information to calculate sizes of datatypes. These sizes are used to inform alignment, allocation, and calling conventions in ways that improve runtime performance. Modern languages in this setting support generic types, but so far these languages only allow parameterisation over types, not type constructors. In this article I describe how to enable parameterisation over arbitrary type constructs, while still retaining compile-time calculation of datatype sizes.

The code for this project can be found here .




Many typed languages support some form of generic (parameterised) datatypes. This ability to abstract over types is known as ‘parametric polymorphism’ (polymorphism for short). In Rust, for example, one can define type of polymorphic pairs as struct Pair<A, B>(fst: A, snd: B) . In this definition, A and B are type variables (or type parameters), and can be substituted for other types: Pair<bool, bool> , Pair<bool, char> , and Pair<String, int32> are all valid pairs.

The name of a type, without any parameters, is known as a type constructor. Pair is not a type on its own; Pair<A, B> (for some types A and B ) is. The number of types required to ‘complete’ a type constructor is known as its arity (so Pair has arity 2). The arity of a type constructor must always be respected; it’s an error to provide greater or fewer type parameters than are expected. For example, Pair<bool> and Pair<char, int32, String> are invalid.


When using C++ or Rust, the compiler will calculate how many bytes of memory each datatype requires. Simple types like int32 and bool have a constant size; 4 bytes and 1 byte respectively. The size of datatypes built using of other simple types is easy to calculate. The simplest way to calculate the size of a struct is to sum the sizes of the fields, and the simplest way to calculate the size of an enum (or tagged union) is to find the largest variant, and add 1 (for a tag byte). This is rarely the exact formula used by production compilers, because they take alignment into account. This article will assume the simple sizing formula, because the results can easily be adapted to more nuanced formulae.

The size of a datatype like struct TwoInts(x: int32, y: int32) is known immediately at its definition. TwoInts requires 8 bytes of memory. On the other hand, the size of a generic datatype is not always known at its definition. What is the size of struct Pair<A, B>(fst: A, snd: B) ? It’s the size of A plus the size of B , for some unknown A and B .

This difficulty is usually addressed by only generating code for datatypes and functions when all the generic types have been replaced with concrete types. This process is known as monomorphisation. If the program contains a Pair(true, true) , then the compiler will generate a new type struct PairBoolBool(fst: bool, snd: bool) whose size is statically known. If Pair(true, true) is passed to a function fn swap<A, B>(p: Pair<A, B>) -> Pair<B, A> , then the compiler generates a new function fn swapBoolBool(p: PairBoolBool) -> PairBoolBool . Because this new function only uses types with known sizes, the code for memory allocation and calling conventions can be generated correctly.

There are also generic types that don’t depend on the size of their parameters. An example of this is the pointer, commonly known in Rust as Box<A> . A pointer has the same size (often 4 or 8 bytes depending on your CPU) regardless of what it points to. But in order to allocate a new pointer, the size of the item must be known.

For each generic datatype or function, the compiler keeps track of which type variables are important for sizing calculations. The specifics of this is discussed in thesection.


A consequence of all this is that in these languages, type variables can only stand for types. But there are good reasons to have type variables that stand for type constructors, too:

struct One<A>(A)

impl <A> One<A>{
  map<B, F: Fn(A) -> B>(self, f: F) -> One<B> { ... }

struct Two<A>(A, A)

impl <A> Two<A>{
  map<B, F: Fn(A) -> B>(self, f: F) -> Two<B> { ... }

struct Three<A>(A, A, A)

impl <A> Three<A>{
  map<B, F: Fn(A) -> B>(self, f: F) -> Three<B> { ... }

Here are some 1-arity container types. The only difference between these datatypes is the number of elements they contain. They all support a map operation, which applies a function to all the datatype’s elements. Functions that use map need to be implemented once for each type, even when their implementations are identical:

fn incrOne(x: One<int32>) -> One<int32> { x.map(|n| n + 1) }

fn incrTwo(x: Two<int32>) -> Two<int32> { x.map(|n| n + 1) }

fn incrThree(x: Three<int32>) -> Three<int32> { x.map(|n| n + 1) }

To remedy this, there must first be a way to abstract over the type constructors, so that the code can be written once and for all:

fn incr<F>(x: F<int32>) -> F<int32> { x.map(|n| n + 1) } // when F<A> has map, for all types A

Then, there must be some way to rule out invalid types. For example, replacing F with bool in F<int32> is invalid, because bool<int32> is not a type. This is the job of kinds.

Kinds describe the ‘shape’ of types (and type constructors) in the same way that types describe the ‘shape’ of values. A type’s kind determines whether or not it takes any parameters. Here’s the syntax of kinds:

kind ::=
  kind -> kind

Types that take no arguments (like bool , char , and String ) have kind Type . Types that take one argument, like One , have kind Type -> Type . In the code for incr above, F implicitly has kind Type -> Type . Types that take more than one argument are represented in curried form . This means that Two has kind Type -> Type -> Type , not (Type, Type) -> Type . Three has kind Type -> Type -> Type -> Type , and so on.

Curried type constructors are standard in this setting, but not necessary . The results in this article could also be applied to a setting with uncurried type constructors, at cost to expressiveness or implementation complexity.

Kinds put types and type constructors on equal footing. For the remainder of the article, both concepts will be referred to as types. The kind becomes the distinguishing feature. For example, “type constructor of arity 2” would be replaced by “type of kind Type -> Type -> Type ”.

Some final jargon: types with a kind other than Type are known as ‘higher-kinded types’, and parameterising over higher-kinded types is known as ‘higher-kinded polymorphism’.

Type Classes

Rust uses traits to coordinate sizing calculations. Each datatype implicitly receives an implementation of the Sized trait, and every type variable that is relevant for a sizing calculation is given a Sized bound. This means that trait resolution, an already useful feature, can be re-used to perform size calculations.

Closely related to traits is the functional programming concept of type classes. There are differences between the two, but those differences don’t impact the results of this article. Type classes will prove a more convenient language in which to discuss these ideas.

A type class (or trait) can be considered a predicate on types. A type class constraint (or trait bound) is an assertion that the predicate must be true. For each constraint that is satisfied, there is corresponding ‘evidence’ that the predicate is true.

When a type T has a Sized constraint, it is being asserted that the statement “ T has a known size” is true. For brevity, this will be written as Sized T . When this statement satisfied (for instance, when T is int32 ), the evidence is produced is the actual size of T (when Sized int32 is satisfied, the evidence is the number 4 - the size of int32 ).

Generic types like Two<A> have a size that depends on their type parameter. In terms of constraints, it can be said that Sized A implies Sized Two<A> . If A is int32 , then its size is 4 , which implies that Two<int32> has a size of 4 + 4 = 8 . Similarly, of Pair it can be said that Sized A implies [ Sized B implies Sized Pair<A, B> ]. There is a choice between a curried an uncurried version; it could also be said that [ Sized A and Sized B ] implies Sized Pair<A, B> , but the curried version will be used for convenience.

Note that type constructors don’t have a size. In other words, only types of kind Type have a size. A type constructor such as Two (of kind Type -> Type ) has a size function . Given the sizes of the type constructor’s parameters, a size function computes the size of the resulting datatype. Two ’s size function is \a -> a + a . Pair ’s size function \a -> b -> a + b (it could also be \(a, b) -> a + b in an uncurried setting).

Problem Statement

With the background out of the way, the specific problem can be stated:

When a type of kind Type is relevant for a size calculation, it is given a Sized constraint, which will be satisfied with a concrete size as evidence. What is the equivalent notion of constraint and evidence for higher-kinded types that contribute to size calculations?


An elegant solution to this problem can found by introducing quantified class constraints. Quantified constraints are an extension to type classes that add implication and quantification to the language of constraints, and corresponding notions of evidence.

Here’s new syntax of quantified size constraints:

constraint ::=
  Sized type               (size constraint)
  constraint => constraint (implication constraint)
  forall A. constraint     (quantification constraint)

The evidence for a constraint c1 => c2 is a function that takes evidence for c1 and produces evidence for c2 , and the evidence for forall A. c is just the evidence for c . The evidence for quantification constraints is a bit more nuanced in general, but this description is accurate when only considering size constraints.

Concretely, this means that the sizing rules for higher-kinded types can now be expressed using constraints, and size calculations involving higher-kinded types can be performed using type class resolution. It is now the case that forall A. Sized A => Sized Two<A> , and the evidence for this constraint is the function \a -> a + a . The relevant constraint for Pair is forall A. forall B. Sized A => Sized B => Sized Pair<A, B> with evidence function \a b -> a + b .

This extends to types of any kind. For all types, there is a mechanical way to derive an appropriate size constraint based only on type’s kind; T of kind Type leads to Sized T , U of kind Type -> Type leads to forall A. Sized A => Sized T<A> , and so on. In datatypes and functions, any size-relevant type variables can be assigned a size constraint in this way, and the compiler will use this extra information when monomorphising definitions.

sized-hkts is a minimal compiler that implements these ideas. It supports higher-kinded polymorphism, functions and algebraic datatypes, and compiles to C. Kinds and size constraints are inferred, requiring no annotations from the user.

Here’s some example code that illustrates the higher-kinded data pattern ( source , generated C code ):

enum ListF f a { Nil(), Cons(f a, ptr (ListF f a)) }
enum Maybe a { Nothing(), Just(a) }
struct Identity a = Identity(a)

fn validate<a>(xs: ListF Maybe a) -> Maybe (ListF Identity a) {
  match xs {
    Nil() => Just(Nil()),
    Cons(mx, rest) => match mx {
      Nothing() => Nothing(),
      Just(x) => match validate(*rest) {
        Nothing() => Nothing(),
        Just(nextRest) => Just(Cons(Identity(x), new[nextRest]))

fn main() -> int32 {
    a = Nil();
    b = Cons(Nothing(), new[a]);
    c = Cons(Just(1), new[b])
    match validate(c) {
      Nothing() => 11,
      Just(xs) => match xs {
        Nil() => 22,
        Cons(x, rest) => x.0

This code defines a linked list whose elements are wrapped in a generic ‘container’ type. It defines two possible container types: Maybe , which is a possibly-empty container, and Identity , the single-element container. validate takes a list whose elements are wrapped in Maybe and tries to replace all the Just s with Identity s. If any of the elements of the list are Nothing , then the whole function returns nothing.

Points of interest in the generated code include:

  • 5 types are generated, corresponding to: ListF Maybe int32 , ListF Identity int32 , Maybe int32 , Identity int32 , and Maybe (ListF Identity int32)
  • Only 1 version of validate is generated, because it is only used at one instantiation of a .
  • The generated code makes no use of sizeof ; the datatype sizes are known after typechecking and inlined during code generation. The compiler knows that ListF Maybe int32 is naively 14 bytes wide ( 1 + max(1, 1 + 4) + 8 ), whereas ListF Identity int32 is 13 bytes wide ( max(1, 1 + 4) + 8 ).
  • The datatype sizes are not necessarily consistent with sizeof , because they ignore alignment for simplicity. At this point, factoring alignment into the size calculations is straightforward.


Quantified class constraints provide an elegant framework for statically-sized higher-kinded types. On its own, this can raise the abstraction ceiling for high-performance languages, but it also serves as the groundwork for ‘zero-cost’ versions of functional programming abstractions such as Functor, Applicative, and Traversable.

This work shows it’s definitely possible for Rust to support higher-kinded types in a reasonable manner, but there are some less theoretical reasons why that might not be a good idea in practice. Adding ‘quantified trait bounds’ would require new syntax, and represents an additional concept for users to learn. Adding a kind system to Rust would also be a controversial change; choosing to keep types uncurried would disadvantage prospective users of the system, and changing to uncurried types would require rethinking of syntax and educational materials to maintain Rust’s high standard of user experience.


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