Crossnote – a note taking extension for VSCode

 4 years ago
source link: https://github.com/0xGG/vscode-crossnote
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note createdAt modifiedAt tags

2020-04-12 12:45:54 UTC

2020-04-12 13:01:03 UTC


(WIP) Turn your VSCode into a decent markdown note taking platform :grinning:

This project is still in its very early stage of development. There are lots of bugs and missing features :frog:


The goal of this project is to be consistent with the web version crossnote.app | GitHub 0xGG/crossnote .

You can read the introduction notebook of the crossnote project directly on crossnote website or on GitHub 0xGG/welcome-notebook .

Right now many key pieces are missing, such as:




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