Fastmail Labels Beta

 4 years ago
source link: https://beta.fastmail.com/help/receive/labels-beta.html
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Labels on beta

Labels are now available on Fastmail's beta website.

Switching to Labels mode

Labels can be enabled after switching the account to use our updated Filters.

  1. Go toSettings → Rules and upgrade your Rules at the top of the screen.
  2. Once you are using New Rules, go to Settings → Preferences .
  3. Under Mail , choose to organize messages with Labels .

Labels mode will then be activated on your account.

Using Labels

You can add up to 20 labels to a single message. These can be used to easily find messages.

Add colors to your Labels by clicking the three dot Menu icon next to your labels. The color will be applied to all labels in your mail to allow you to easily visually scan your mailbox.

Switching back to Folders mode

If you need to switch back to Folders mode, you can do so at any time.

  1. Return to Settings → Preferences .
  2. Under Mail , choose to organize your messages with Folders .

Your labels will be converted into Folders.


If you have feedback, or notice something isn't working quite right, pleaselet us know by submitting a ticket or emailing [email protected].

When you submit a ticket, please tell us what you were doing, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened.

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