Big price cuts of 4G Android phones are expected in the following months - GSMAr...

 4 years ago
source link: https://www.gsmarena.com/big_price_cuts_of_4g_android_phones_are_expected_in_the_following_months-news-42450.php
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Big price cuts of 4G Android phones are expected in the following months


Ro, 04 April 2020

Android iOS 5G

According to Pan Jiutang, a partner of Xiaomi's Industry Investment Department, the price of 4G Android phones will fall significantly in the following months and several factors are at play here. One of which is the massive price cut of the iPhone 11-series in China.

Big price cuts of 4G Android phones are expected in the following months

If Chinese smartphone manufacturers want to stay competitive against the iPhone 11 family, they will have to lower the prices of its high-end handsets. Additionally, the rapid development of the 5G network in the country has allowed for wider adoption and the number of 5G-capable smartphones is increasing by the day, making the 4G ones less attractive to the user. You can even go for a mid-range device that supports 5G.

The third reason for the price cuts is, of course, the COVID-19 outbreak. There are already signs of stagnating smartphone market in key markets like Europe and North and South America. Staying competitive in times like these is important.

And as for the reason why Apple slashed the prices of the iPhone 11 family in China, it's probably because the sales aren't that great considering the pandemic and the company is preparing for the launch of the next-generation iPhones later this year.


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