GitHub - ubolonton/emacs-tree-sitter at 0.4.0

 4 years ago
source link: https://github.com/ubolonton/emacs-tree-sitter/tree/0.4.0#installation
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This is an Emacs Lisp binding for tree-sitter, an incremental parsing library. It requires Emacs 25.1 or above, built with dynamic module support.

It aims to be the foundation for a new breed of Emacs packages that understand code structurally. For example:

  • Faster, fine-grained code highlighting.
  • More flexible code folding.
  • Structural editing (like Paredit, or even better) for non-Lisp code.
  • More informative indexing for imenu.

The author of tree-sitter articulated its merits a lot better in this Strange Loop talk.


At this stage of the project, there are few end-user-visible features, but you can already install it to play around with the APIs.

  • Check that Emacs was built with module support: (functionp 'module-load).
  • Add the tree-sitter ELPA to package-archives (remember to run package-refresh-contents afterwards):
    (add-to-list 'package-archives '("ublt" . "https://elpa.ubolonton.org/packages/"))
  • Install tree-sitter and tree-sitter-langs like other normal packages.

The package is not yet on MELPA, because it currently doesn't have a convenient way to distribute packages with pre-compiled binaries.

If you want to hack on emacs-tree-sitter itself, see the section Setup for Development instead.

Basic Usage

  • Enable the tree-sitter minor mode in a supported major mode (defined in tree-sitter-major-mode-language-alist):
    (require 'tree-sitter)
    (require 'tree-sitter-langs)
    (add-hook 'rust-mode-hook #'tree-sitter-mode)
  • Show the debug view of a buffer's parse tree
    (require 'tree-sitter-debug)
  • Get names of all functions in a Rust file:
    (with-current-buffer "types.rs"
      (seq-map (lambda (capture)
                 (pcase-let ((`(_ . ,node) capture))
                   (ts-node-text node)))
               (tree-sitter-query [(function_item (identifier) @name)])))
  • Write a simple extension to expand-region:
    (defun tree-sitter-mark-next-bigger-node ()
      (let* ((p (point))
             (m (if mark-active (mark) p))
             (beg (min p m))
             (end (max p m))
             (root (ts-root-node tree-sitter-tree))
             (node (ts-get-named-descendant-for-position-range root beg end))
             (node-beg (ts-node-start-position node))
             (node-end (ts-node-end-position node)))
        ;; Already marking current node. Try its parent node instead.
        (when (and (= beg node-beg) (= end node-end))
          (when-let ((node (ts-get-parent node)))
            (setq node-beg (ts-node-start-position node)
                  node-end (ts-node-end-position node))))
        (set-mark node-end)
        (goto-char node-beg)))
  • Parse a string:
    (let ((parser (ts-make-parser)))
      (ts-set-language parser (tree-sitter-require 'rust))
      (ts-parse-string parser "fn foo() {}"))
  • The tree-sitter doc is a good read to understand its concepts, and how to use the parsers in general.
  • Functions in this package are named differently, to be more Lisp-idiomatic. The overall parsing flow stays the same.
  • Documentation for individual functions can be viewed with C-h f (describe-function), as usual.
  • A symbol in the C API is actually the ID of a type, so it's called type-id in this package.


  • language, parser, tree, node, cursor, query: corresponding tree-sitter types, embedded in user-ptr objects.
  • point: a pair of (LINE-NUMBER . BYTE-COLUMN).
    • LINE-NUMBER is the absolute line number returned by line-number-at-pos, counting from 1.
    • BYTE-COLUMN counts from 0, like current-column. However, unlike that function, it counts bytes, instead of displayed glyphs.
  • range: a vector in the form of [START-BYTEPOS END-BYTEPOS START-POINT END-POINT].

These types are understood only by this package. They are not recognized by type-of, but have corresponding type-checking predicates, which are useful for debugging: ts-language-p, ts-tree-p, ts-node-p...

For consistency with Emacs's conventions, this binding has some differences compared to the tree-sitter's C/Rust APIs:

  • It uses 1-based byte positions, not 0-based byte offsets.
  • It uses 1-based line numbers, not 0-based row coordinates.


  • Language:
    • tree-sitter-require: like require, for tree-sitter languages.
  • Parser:
    • ts-make-parser: create a new parser.
    • ts-set-language: set a parser's active language.
    • ts-parse-string: parse a string.
    • ts-parse: parse with a text-generating callback.
    • ts-set-included-ranges: set sub-ranges when parsing multi-language text.
  • Tree:
    • ts-root-node: get the tree's root node.
    • ts-edit-tree: prepare a tree for incremental parsing.
    • ts-changed-ranges: compare 2 trees for changes.
    • ts-tree-to-sexp: debug utility.
  • Cursor:
    • ts-make-cursor: obtain a new cursor from either a tree or a node.
    • ts-goto- functions: move to a different node.
    • ts-current- functions: get the current field/node.
  • Node:
    • ts-node- functions: node's properties and predicates.
    • ts-get- functions: get related nodes (parent, siblings, children, descendants).
    • ts-count- functions: count child nodes.
    • ts-mapc-children: loops through child nodes.
    • ts-node-to-sexp: debug utility.
  • Query:
    • ts-make-query: create a new query.
    • ts-make-query-cursor: create a new query cursor.
    • ts-query-matches, ts-query-captures: execute a query, returning matches/captures.
    • ts-set-byte-range, ts-set-point-range: limit query execution to a range.

Setup for Development

Clone this repo and add its lisp and langs directories to load-path.

If you want to hack on the high-level features (in Lisp) only:

  • Evaluate this (once) to download the necessary binaries:
    (require 'tree-sitter-langs-build)
    ;; Download pre-compiled `tree-sitter-dyn'.
    ;; Download pre-compiled language grammars.
  • Make changes to the .el files.
  • Add tests to tree-sitter-tests.el and run them with ./bin/test (.\bin\test on Windows).

If you want to build addtional (or all) grammars from source, or work on the core dynamic module, see the next 2 sections.

Building grammars from source

  • Install tree-sitter CLI tool (if you don't use NodeJS, you can download the binary directly from GitHub):
    # For yarn user
    yarn global add tree-sitter-cli
    # For npm user
    npm install -g tree-sitter-cli
  • Run:
    # macOS/Linux
    make ensure/rust
    # Windows
    .\bin\ensure-lang rust
  • You can modifytree-sitter-langs-repos if the language you need is not declared there.

Working on the dynamic module

  • Install the Rust toolchain.
  • Install clang, to generate the raw Rust binding for emacs-module.h.
  • Build:
    # macOS/Linux
    make build
    # Windows
  • Test:
    # macOS/Linux
    make test
    # Windows
  • Continuously rebuild and test on change (requires cargo-watch):
    # macOS/Linux
    make watch
    # Windows
    .\bin\test watch

To test against a different version of Emacs, set the environment variable EMACS (e.g. EMACS=/snap/bin/emacs make test).

Overall Plan

Targeting lib authors:

  • Write a guide on using the tree-sitter APIs.

Targeting end users:

  • Pick a language, make a "killer" minor mode that extends its major mode in multiple ways.
  • Make minor modes for most common languages.
  • Extract common patterns from the language minor modes into helper language-diagnostic minor modes.
  • Get a language major mode to use tree-sitter for optional features.


Binding through C instead of Rust: https://github.com/karlotness/tree-sitter.el


Contributions are welcomed. Please take a look at the issue list for ideas, or create a new issue to describe any idea you have for improvement.

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