GitHub - esnme/ultrajson: Ultra fast JSON decoder and encoder written in C with...

 4 years ago
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UltraJSON is an ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder written in pure C with bindings for Python 2.5+ and 3.

For a more painless day to day C/C++ JSON decoder experience please checkout ujson4c, based on UltraJSON.

Please checkout the rest of the projects in the Ultra series:

To install it just run Pip as usual:

$ pip install ujson


May be used as a drop in replacement for most other JSON parsers for Python:

>>> import ujson
>>> ujson.dumps([{"key": "value"}, 81, True])
>>> ujson.loads("""[{"key": "value"}, 81, true]""")
[{u'key': u'value'}, 81, True]

Encoder options


Used to enable special encoding of "unsafe" HTML characters into safer Unicode sequences. Default is False:

>>> ujson.dumps("<script>John&Doe", encode_html_chars=True)


Limits output to ASCII and escapes all extended characters above 127. Default is true. If your end format supports UTF-8 setting this option to false is highly recommended to save space:

>>> ujson.dumps(u"\xe5\xe4\xf6")
>>> ujson.dumps(u"\xe5\xe4\xf6", ensure_ascii=False)


Controls whether forward slashes (/) are escaped. Default is True:

>>> ujson.dumps("http://esn.me")
>>> ujson.dumps("http://esn.me", escape_forward_slashes=False)


Controls whether indention ("pretty output") is enabled. Default is 0 (disabled):

>>> ujson.dumps({"foo": "bar"})
>>> ujson.dumps({"foo": "bar"}, indent=4)


UltraJSON calls/sec compared to three other popular JSON parsers with performance gain specified below each.

Test machine:

Linux 3.13.0-66-generic x86_64 #108-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 7 15:20:27 UTC 2015


  • CPython 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13) [GCC 4.8.2]
  • blist : 1.3.6
  • simplejson: 3.8.1
  • ujson : 1.34 (0c52200eb4e2d97e548a765d5f089858c41967b0)
  • yajl : 0.3.5

  ujson yajl simplejson json Array with 256 doubles         encode 3508.19 5742.00 3232.38 3309.09 decode 25103.37 11257.83 11696.26 11871.04 Array with 256 UTF-8 strings         encode 3189.71 2717.14 2006.38 2961.72 decode 1354.94 630.54 356.35 344.05 Array with 256 strings         encode 18127.47 12537.39 12541.23 20001.00 decode 23264.70 12788.85 25427.88 9352.36 Medium complex object         encode 10519.38 5021.29 3686.86 4643.47 decode 9676.53 5326.79 8515.77 3017.30 Array with 256 True values         encode 105998.03 102067.28 44758.51 60424.80 decode 163869.96 78341.57 110859.36 115013.90 Array with 256 dict{string, int} pairs         encode 13471.32 12109.09 3876.40 8833.92 decode 16890.63 8946.07 12218.55 3350.72 Dict with 256 arrays with 256 dict{string, int} pairs         encode 50.25 46.45 13.82 29.28 decode 33.27 22.10 27.91 10.43 Dict with 256 arrays with 256 dict{string, int} pairs, outputting sorted keys         encode 27.19   7.75 2.39 Complex object         encode 577.98   387.81 470.02 decode 496.73 234.44 151.00 145.16


  • CPython 3.4.3 (default, Oct 14 2015, 20:28:29) [GCC 4.8.4]
  • blist : 1.3.6
  • simplejson: 3.8.1
  • ujson : 1.34 (0c52200eb4e2d97e548a765d5f089858c41967b0)
  • yajl : 0.3.5
  ujson yajl simplejson json Array with 256 doubles         encode 3477.15 5732.24 3016.76 3071.99 decode 23625.20 9731.45 9501.57 9901.92 Array with 256 UTF-8 strings         encode 1995.89 2151.61 1771.98 1817.20 decode 1425.04 625.38 327.14 305.95 Array with 256 strings         encode 25461.75 12188.64 13054.76 14429.81 decode 21981.31 17014.22 23869.48 22483.58 Medium complex object         encode 10821.46 4837.04 3114.04 4254.46 decode 7887.77 5126.67 4934.60 6204.97 Array with 256 True values         encode 100452.86 94639.42 46657.63 60358.63 decode 148312.69 75485.90 88434.91 116395.51 Array with 256 dict{string, int} pairs         encode 11698.13 8886.96 3043.69 6302.35 decode 10686.40 7061.77 5646.80 7702.29 Dict with 256 arrays with 256 dict{string, int} pairs         encode 44.26 34.43 10.40 21.97 decode 28.46 23.95 18.70 22.83 Dict with 256 arrays with 256 dict{string, int} pairs, outputting sorted keys         encode 33.60   6.94 22.34 Complex object         encode 432.30   351.47 379.34 decode 434.40 221.97 149.57 147.79

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