Fake Face Generator Using DCGAN Model

 4 years ago
source link: https://mc.ai/fake-face-generator-using-dcgan-model/
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The implementation part is broken down into a series of tasks from loading data to defining and training adversarial networks . At the end of this section, you’ll be able to visualize the results of your trained Generator to see how it performs; your generated samples should look fairly like realistic faces with small amounts of noise.

(1)Get The Data

You’ll be using the CelebFaces Attributes Dataset (CelebA) to train your adversarial networks. This data is a more complex dataset compared to the MNIST. So, we need to define a deeper network (DCGAN) to generate good results. I would suggest you use a GPU for training purposes.

(2)Preparing Data

As the main objective of this article is building a DCGAN model, so instead of doing the preprocessing ourselves, we will be using a pre-processed dataset. You can download the smaller subset of the CelebA dataset from here . And if you are interested in doing the pre-processing, do the following:

  • Crop images to remove the part that doesn’t include the face.
  • Resize them into 64x64x3 NumPy images.

Now, we will create a DataLoader to access the images in batches.

def get_dataloader(batch_size, image_size, data_dir='train/'):
 Batch the neural network data using DataLoader
 :param batch_size: The size of each batch; the number of images in a batch
 :param img_size: The square size of the image data (x, y)
 :param data_dir: Directory where image data is located
 :return: DataLoader with batched data
 transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize(image_size),transforms.CenterCrop(image_size),transforms.ToTensor()])

 dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(data_dir,transform = transform)

 dataloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset = dataset,batch_size = batch_size,shuffle = True)
 return dataloader# Define function hyperparameters
batch_size = 256
img_size = 32# Call your function and get a dataloader
celeba_train_loader = get_dataloader(batch_size, img_size)

DataLoader hyperparameters:

  • You can decide on any reasonable batch_size parameter.
  • However, your image_size must be 32. Resizing the data to a smaller size will make for faster training, while still creating convincing images of faces.

Next, we will write some code to get a visual representation of the dataset.

def imshow(img):
 npimg = img.numpy()
 plt.imshow(np.transpose(npimg, (1, 2, 0)))# obtain one batch of training images
dataiter = iter(celeba_train_loader)
images, _ = dataiter.next() # _ for no labels# plot the images in the batch, along with the corresponding labels
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 4))
for idx in np.arange(plot_size):
 ax = fig.add_subplot(2, plot_size/2, idx+1, xticks=[], yticks=[])

Keep in mind to convert the Tensor images into a NumPy type and transpose the dimensions to correctly display an image based on the above code (In Dataloader we transformed the images to Tensor) . Run this piece of code to get a visualization of the dataset.

Images Centered around faces

Now before beginning with the next section (Defining Model), we will write a function to scale the image data to a pixel range of -1 to 1 which we will use while training. The reason behind doing so is that the output of a tanh activated generator will contain pixel values in a range from -1 to 1, and so, we need to rescale our training images to a range of -1 to 1 (right now, they are in the range 0–1) .

def scale(x, feature_range=(-1, 1)):
 ''' Scale takes in an image x and returns that image, scaled
 with a feature_range of pixel values from -1 to 1. 
 This function assumes that the input x is already scaled from 0-1.'''
 # assume x is scaled to (0, 1)
 # scale to feature_range and return scaled x
 min, max = feature_range
 x = x*(max-min) + min
 return x

(3)Defining Model

A GAN is comprised of two adversarial networks, a discriminator and a generator. So in this section, we will define architectures for both of them.


This is a convolutional classifier, only without any MaxpPooling layers. Here is the code for the Discriminator Network.

def conv(input_c,output,kernel_size,stride = 2,padding = 1, batch_norm = True):
 layers =[]
 con = nn.Conv2d(input_c,output,kernel_size,stride,padding,bias = False)

 if batch_norm:

 return nn.Sequential(*layers)class Discriminator(nn.Module):def __init__(self, conv_dim):
 Initialize the Discriminator Module
 :param conv_dim: The depth of the first convolutional layer
 #complete init functionsuper(Discriminator, self).__init__()
 self.conv_dim = conv_dim
 self.layer_1 = conv(3,conv_dim,4,batch_norm = False) #16
 self.layer_2 = conv(conv_dim,conv_dim*2,4) #8
 self.layer_3 = conv(conv_dim*2,conv_dim*4,4) #4
 self.fc = nn.Linear(conv_dim*4*4*4,1)def forward(self, x):
 Forward propagation of the neural network
 :param x: The input to the neural network 
 :return: Discriminator logits; the output of the neural network
 # define feedforward behavior
 x = F.leaky_relu(self.layer_1(x))
 x = F.leaky_relu(self.layer_2(x))
 x = F.leaky_relu(self.layer_3(x))
 x = x.view(-1,self.conv_dim*4*4*4)
 x = self.fc(x)
 return x


  • The following architecture consists of three convolutional layers and a final fully connected layer, which output a single logit. This logit defines whether the image is real or not.
  • Each convolution layer, except the first one, is followed by a Batch Normalization(defined in conv helper function) .
  • For the hidden units, we have used the leaky ReLU activation function as discussed in the theory section.
  • After each convolution layer, the height and width become half. For-eg After the first convolution 32X32 images will be resized into 16X16 and so on.
Output dimension can be calculated using the following formula:

where O is the output height/length, W is the input height/length, K is the filter size, P is the padding, and S is the stride.

  • The number of feature maps after each convolution is based on the parameter conv_dim(In my implementation conv_dim = 64) .

In this model definition, we haven’t applied the Sigmoid activation function on the final output logit. This is because of the choice of our loss function. Here instead of using the normal BCE(Binary Cross-Entropy Loss), we will be using BCEWithLogitLoss, which is considered as a numerically stable version of BCE . BCEWithLogitLoss is defined such that it first applies Sigmoid activation function on the logit and then calculates the loss, unlike BCE . You can read more about these loss functions here .


The generator should upsample an input and generate a new image of the same size as our training data 32X32X3. For doing so we will be using transpose convolutional layers. Here is the code for the Generator Network.

def deconv(input_c,output,kernel_size,stride = 2, padding =1, batch_norm = True):
 layers = []
 decon = nn.ConvTranspose2d(input_c,output,kernel_size,stride,padding,bias = False)

 if batch_norm:
 return nn.Sequential(*layers)class Generator(nn.Module):

 def __init__(self, z_size, conv_dim):
 Initialize the Generator Module
 :param z_size: The length of the input latent vector, z
 :param conv_dim: The depth of the inputs to the *last* transpose convolutional layer
 super(Generator, self).__init__()
 # complete init function
 self.conv_dim = conv_dim
 self.fc = nn.Linear(z_size,conv_dim*8*2*2)
 self.layer_1 = deconv(conv_dim*8,conv_dim*4,4) #4
 self.layer_2 = deconv(conv_dim*4,conv_dim*2,4) #8
 self.layer_3 = deconv(conv_dim*2,conv_dim,4) #16
 self.layer_4 = deconv(conv_dim,3,4,batch_norm = False) #32

 def forward(self, x):
 Forward propagation of the neural network
 :param x: The input to the neural network 
 :return: A 32x32x3 Tensor image as output
 # define feedforward behavior
 x = self.fc(x)
 x = x.view(-1,self.conv_dim*8,2,2) #(batch_size,depth,width,height)
 x = F.relu(self.layer_1(x))
 x = F.relu(self.layer_2(x))
 x = F.relu(self.layer_3(x))
 x = torch.tanh(self.layer_4(x))
 return x


  • The following architecture consists of a fully connected layer followed by four transpose convolution layers. This architecture is defined such that the output after the fourth transpose convolution layer results in an image of dimension 32X32X3 (size of an image from training dataset).
  • The inputs to the generator are vectors of some length z_size(z_size is the noise vector) .
  • Each transpose convolution layer, except the last one, is followed by a Batch Normalization(defined in deconv helper function) .
  • For the hidden units, we have used the ReLU activation function.
  • After each transpose convolution layer, the height and width become double. For-eg After the first transpose convolution 2X2 images will be resized into 4X4 and so on.

Can be calculated using the following formula:

# Padding==Same:
H = H1 * stride

# Padding==Valid
H = (H1-1) * stride + HF

where H = output size, H1 = input size, HF = filter size.

  • The number of feature maps after each transpose convolution is based on the parameter conv_dim(In my implementation conv_dim = 64) .

(4)Initialize The Weights Of Your Networks

To help the models converge, I initialized the weights of the convolutional and linear layers in the model based on the original DCGAN paper , which says: All weights are initialized from a zero-centered Normal distribution with a standard deviation of 0.02.

def weights_init_normal(m):
 Applies initial weights to certain layers in a model .
 The weights are taken from a normal distribution 
 with mean = 0, std dev = 0.02.
 :param m: A module or layer in a network 
 # classname will be something like:
 # `Conv`, `BatchNorm2d`, `Linear`, etc.
 classname = m.__class__.__name__

 if hasattr(m,'weight') and (classname.find('Conv') != -1 or classname.find('Linear') != -1):


 if hasattr(m,'bias') and m.bias is not None:
  • This would initialize the weights to a normal distribution, centered around 0, with a standard deviation of 0.02.
  • The bias terms, if they exist, maybe left alone or set to 0.

(5)Build Complete Network

Define your models’ hyperparameters and instantiate the discriminator and generator from the classes defined in the Defining Model section. Here is the code for that.

def build_network(d_conv_dim, g_conv_dim, z_size):
 # define discriminator and generator
 D = Discriminator(d_conv_dim)
 G = Generator(z_size=z_size, conv_dim=g_conv_dim)# initialize model weights

 return D, G

# Define model hyperparams
d_conv_dim = 64
g_conv_dim = 64
z_size = 100D, G = build_network(d_conv_dim, g_conv_dim, z_size)

When you run the above code you get the following output. It also describes the model architecture for the Discriminator and Generator models.

Instantiated Discriminator and Generator models

(6)Training Process

The training process comprises defining the loss functions, selecting optimizer and finally training the model.

Discriminator And Generator Loss

Discriminator Loss

  • For the discriminator, the total loss is the sum of (d_real_loss + d_fake_loss) , where d_real_loss is the loss obtained on images from the training data and d_fake_loss is the loss obtained on images generated from Generator Network. For-eg
z — Noise vector
i — Image from the training set
G(z) — Generated image
D(G(z)) — Discriminator output on a generated image
D(i) — Discriminator output on a training dataset image
Loss = real_loss(D(i)) + fake_loss(D(G(z)))
  • Remember that we want the Discriminator to output 1 for real images and 0 for fake images, so we need to set up the losses to reflect that (Keep this line in mind while reading the code below) .

Generator Loss

  • The Generator loss will look similar only with flipped labels. The generator’s goal is to get the discriminator to think its generated images are real . For-eg
z — Noise vector
G(z) — Generated Image
D(G(z)) — Discriminator output on a generated image
Loss = real_loss(D(G(z)))

Here is the code for real_loss and fake_loss

def real_loss(D_out):
 '''Calculates how close discriminator outputs are to being real.
 param, D_out: discriminator logits
 return: real loss'''
 batch_size = D_out.size(0)
 labels = torch.ones(batch_size)
 if train_on_gpu:
 labels = labels.cuda()
 criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
 loss = criterion(D_out.squeeze(),labels)
 return lossdef fake_loss(D_out):
 '''Calculates how close discriminator outputs are to being fake.
 param, D_out: discriminator logits
 return: fake loss'''
 batch_size = D_out.size(0)
 labels = torch.zeros(batch_size)
 if train_on_gpu:
 labels = labels.cuda()
 criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
 loss = criterion(D_out.squeeze(),labels)
 return loss


For GAN s we define two optimizers, one for the Generator and another for the Discriminator. The idea is to run them simultaneously to keep improving both the networks. In this implementation, I have used Adam optimizer in both cases. To know more about different optimizers, refer to this link .

# Create optimizers for the discriminator D and generator G
d_optimizer = optim.Adam(D.parameters(),lr = .0002, betas = [0.5,0.999])
g_optimizer = optim.Adam(G.parameters(),lr = .0002, betas = [0.5,0.999])

Learning rate(lr) and betas values are based on the original DCGAN paper .


Training will involve alternating between training the discriminator and the generator. We’ll use the real_loss and fake_loss functions defined earlier, to help us in calculating the Discriminator and Generator losses.

  • You should train the discriminator by alternating on real and fake images
  • Then the generator, which tries to trick the discriminator and should have an opposing loss function

Here is the code for training.

def train(D, G, n_epochs, print_every=50):
 '''Trains adversarial networks for some number of epochs
 param, D: the discriminator network
 param, G: the generator network
 param, n_epochs: number of epochs to train for
 param, print_every: when to print and record the models' losses
 return: D and G losses'''

 # move models to GPU
 if train_on_gpu:
 G.cuda()# keep track of loss and generated, "fake" samples
 samples = []
 losses = []# Get some fixed data for sampling. These are images that are held
 # constant throughout training, and allow us to inspect the model's performance
 fixed_z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(sample_size, z_size))
 fixed_z = torch.from_numpy(fixed_z).float()
 # move z to GPU if available
 if train_on_gpu:
 fixed_z = fixed_z.cuda()# epoch training loop
 for epoch in range(n_epochs):# batch training loop
 for batch_i, (real_images, _) in enumerate(celeba_train_loader):batch_size = real_images.size(0)
 real_images = scale(real_images)
 if train_on_gpu:
 real_images = real_images.cuda()

 # 1. Train the discriminator on real and fake ima.ges
 d_out_real = D(real_images)
 z = np.random.uniform(-1,1,size = (batch_size,z_size))
 z = torch.from_numpy(z).float()
 if train_on_gpu:
 z = z.cuda()
 d_loss = real_loss(d_out_real) + fake_loss(D(G(z)))
 # 2. Train the generator with an adversarial loss
 z = np.random.uniform(-1,1,size = (batch_size,z_size))
 z = torch.from_numpy(z).float()
 if train_on_gpu:
 z = z.cuda()
 g_loss = real_loss(D(G(z)))

 # Print some loss stats
 if batch_i % print_every == 0:
 # append discriminator loss and generator loss
 losses.append((d_loss.item(), g_loss.item()))
 # print discriminator and generator loss
 print('Epoch [{:5d}/{:5d}] | d_loss: {:6.4f} | g_loss: {:6.4f}'.format(
 epoch+1, n_epochs, d_loss.item(), g_loss.item()))## AFTER EACH EPOCH## 
 # this code assumes your generator is named G, feel free to change the name
 # generate and save sample, fake images
 G.eval() # for generating samples
 samples_z = G(fixed_z)
 G.train() # back to training mode# Save training generator samples
 with open('train_samples.pkl', 'wb') as f:
 pkl.dump(samples, f)

 # finally return losses
 return losses

# set number of epochs 
n_epochs = 40# call training function
losses = train(D, G, n_epochs=n_epochs)
The training is performed over 40 epochs using a GPU, that’s why I had to move my models and inputs from CPU to GPU.


  • The following is the plot of the training losses for the Generator and Discriminator recorded after each epoch.
Training Loss for Discriminator and Generator

The high fluctuation in the Generator training loss is because the input to the Generator Network is a batch of random noise vectors (each of z_size) , each sampled from a uniform distribution of (-1,1) to generate new images for each epoch.

In the discriminator plot, we can observe a rise in the training loss (around 50 on the x-axis) followed by a gradual decrease till the end, this is because the Generator has started to generate some realistic image that fooled the Discriminator, leading to increase in error. But slowly as the training progresses, Discriminator becomes better at classifying fake and real images, leading to a gradual decrease in training error.

  • Generated samples after 40 epochs .
Generated fake images

Our model was able to generate new images of fake human faces that look as realistic as possible. We can also observe that all images are lighter in shade, even the brown faces are bit lighter. This is because the CelebA dataset is biased; it consists of “celebrity” faces that are mostly white. That being said, DCGAN successfully generates near-real images from mere noise.

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