GitHub - eddinn/ddusb: script to create a bootable usb from iso

 4 years ago
source link: https://github.com/eddinn/ddusb
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Use at your own risk, I take no responsibility for any accidental misuse or overwrites of disk drives!

I include precautions so the script tries to validate the device as an USB device, but that's not a substitude for user error!

Simple script to create a bootable usb from iso with dd

If you are like me, can't remember the dd command to create a bootable USB and always have to google it again, then this is handy to have..


sudo ./ddusb.sh /path/to/some.iso

Sample output

Identify the USB device:
sdf                   8:0    1   7,5G  0 disk
├─sdf1                8:1    1   2,3G  0 part /media/username/Ubuntu 19.10 amd64
├─sdf2                8:2    1   3,9M  0 part
└─sdf3                8:3    1   5,2G  0 part /media/username/casper-rw

Please enter the USB device identifier noted above (e.g sdf)
Identifier: sdf

Please verify that all input is correct:

ISO file: /path/to/some.iso
USB device: /dev/sdf
dd will be: dd bs=4M if=/path/to/some.iso of=/dev/sdf status=progress oflag=sync

Is the input correct? [y/n]: y

Creating bootable USB of ISO /path/to/some.iso to USB device /dev/sdf
2535194624 bytes (2,5 GB, 2,4 GiB) copied, 415 s, 6,1 MB/s
604+1 records in
604+1 records out
2535194624 bytes (2,5 GB, 2,4 GiB) copied, 415,021 s, 6,1 MB/s


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