AWS Athena helps to find the worst place to park your car in Portland.

 4 years ago
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After visiting Portland, OR last weekend I’ve decided to explore some publicly available datasets about the city. In this post, we are going to calculate the number of incidents related to vehicles (theft from or theft of a vehicle) and the number of parking spots in each Portland neighborhood using Athena geo queries. After that, we will calculate the number of incidents per a parking spot to identify dangerous neighborhoods.

We are going to use three datasets:

  • A police report with all the incidents that occurred in Portland in 2019. You can download this dataset here (click on “Download Open Data” tab)
  • Portland parking spots with coordinates, you can download this dataset here
  • Portland neighbourhoods boundaries in JSON, you can download it here (select GeoJSON format)

A quick and easy way to start exploring a dataset with SQL is to use AWS Athena database and S3. Create an S3 bucket (I called it portland-crime-score).

For incidents file, create a folder “crime_data” in the bucket. Import the downloaded CSV file into the folder. After that go to AWS console, open Athena service and run the following query to create a table (replace S3 bucket name with yours):

  `Address` string,
  `CaseNumber` string,
  `CrimeAgainst` string,
  `Neighborhood` string,
  `OccurDate` string,
  `OccurTime` string,
  `OffenseCategory` string,
  `OffenseType` string,
  `OpenDataLat` float,
  `OpenDataLon` float,
  `OpenDataX` float,
  `OpenDataY` float,
  `ReportDate` string,
  `OffenseCount` int 
TBLPROPERTIES ('skip.header.line.count'='1');

For parking spots create a folder called “parking_data” and import corresponding file. Run the following query to create a table:

 `X` float,
 `Y` float,
 `OBJECTID` string,
 `ModifiedBy` string,
 `ModifiedOn` string,
 `ModifiedUsing` string,
 `Comments` string,
 `NonAssetID` string,
 `Status` string,
 `Owner` string,
 `MaintResp` string,
 `LocationID` string,
 `ImagePath` string,
 `Metered` string,
 `APPZone` string,
 `UseCode` string,
 `ParkingDuration` string,
 `Rotation` string
TBLPROPERTIES ('skip.header.line.count'='1');

For the neighborhood boundaries file, create a folder called “neighborhoods_data” and import corresponding file. Neighborhoods data is stored in nested JSON file, that’s why the table schema looks different this time:

    type string,
    features array<
        struct<type: string,
            properties: struct<OBJECTID: string,
                  NAME: string, 
                  COMMPLAN: string,
                  SHARED: string,
                  COALIT: string,
                  HORZ_VERT: string,
                  MAPLABEL: string,
                  ID: string,
                  Shape_Length: string,
                  Shape_Area: string
            geometry: struct<type: string,
              coordinates: array<array<array<string>>>
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION 's3://portland-crime-score/neighborhoods_data/';

Let’s look at a table incidents and run a few SQL queries to explore the data. First of all, let’s see how many records we’ve got:

select count(*) 
from incidents;


select * 
from incidents
limit 10;


As we can see, some of the records don’t have coordinates of an incident. If we check the metadata of the dataset on the website, it says that they are removed on purpose:

Let’s see how many records we have without coordinates:

select count(*) as count 
from incidents
where OpenDataLat is Null or OpenDataLon is Null;


We are going to exclude those records from further exploration. Now let’s see what types of incidents we have in the file:

select distinct OffenseType 
from incidents;


There is a total of 46 incident types. Let’s focus on those related to a vehicle:

select distinct OffenseType 
from incidents
where OffenseType like '%Vehicle%'


Now let’s create a table that contains only Athena geo points of vehicle incidents and see how many rows we have after applying all these filters:

incident_points as (
select ST_POINT(opendatalon, opendatalat)
from incidents
where OffenseType in (
'Motor Vehicle Theft',
'Theft From Motor Vehicle',
'Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories')
and OpenDataLat is not NULL
and OpenDataLon is not NULL
select count(*) as incident_count
from incident_points;

Now let’s create a table with geo points of all parking spots — this time we don’t have to filter anything:

parking_points as (
select ST_POINT(x, y) as point
from parking
select count(*) as parking_count
from parking_points;


Now, let’s look at a neighborhood dataset. Let’s parse JSON to extract boundaries coordinates and create objects of type Polygon that are supported by Athena. I could not find an easy way to parse GeoJSON in Athena. Documentation said nothing about supporting it. That’s why I had to perform a series of manipulations with json to extract the required coordinates.

First of all, let’s see what we’ve got in the table neighborhoods:

select * 
from neighborhoods;

The whole file was parsed into a single row. We need to extract data from features columns that has a type of array. Let’s unnest the array like this:

select type, feature 
from neighborhoods
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(features) AS t(feature)


Each feature represents a neighborhood. Now we can access its values like this:

select feature.properties.Name as name, feature.geometry.coordinates[1] as shape 
from neighborhoods
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(features) AS t(feature)


Here we have a neighborhood name and an array of arrays with boundary coordinates. Our aim is to convert these coordinates to a varchar format that Athena can parse into Polygon object like that: SELECT ST_POLYGON(‘polygon ((1 1, 1 4, 4 4, 4 1))’). To achieve this we should concatenate coordinates into a string. Also, two neighborhoods with names ‘MC UNCLAIMED #13’ and ‘CRESTWOOD’ had strange coordinates format that were not parsable so I excluded them from the list. Let’s run the following query:

with neighborhood_coords as (
select feature.properties.Name as name,
feature.geometry.coordinates[1] as shape
from neighborhoods
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(features) AS t(feature)
where feature.properties.Name != 'MC UNCLAIMED #13' AND feature.properties.Name != 'CRESTWOOD'
unnest_nodes as (
select name, array_join(node, ' ') as node_str
from neighborhood_coords
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(shape) AS t(node)
select * from unnest_nodes;


We extracted neighborhood coordinates into multiple columns. Now all we need to do is aggregate them back with string concatenation:

suburbs as (
select name as suburb_name, ST_POLYGON('polygon ((' || array_join(array_agg(node_str), ', ') || '))') as poly from unnest_nodes group by name
select * from suburbs;


Now let’s join our neighborhoods with parking spots to count the number of spots in each neighborhood. We are going to use an Athena function ST_CONTAINS to check if a parking spot Point lies inside a boundary Polygon:

suburb_parking as (
select suburb_name, count(*) as parking_count from suburbs
join parking_points on ST_CONTAINS(poly, point)
group by suburb_name order by parking_count desc
select * from suburb_parking limit 10;


As we can see, downtown has the highest number of parking spots.

Now let’s do the neighborhoods with the incidents to count the number of incidents in each neighborhood:

suburb_incident as (
select suburb_name, count(*) as incident_count from suburbs
join incident_points on ST_CONTAINS(poly, incident_point)
group by suburb_name order by incident_count desc
select * from suburb_incident limit 10;


The highest number of incidents is recorded in Hazelwood, and Downtown is in second place.

Finally, let’s calculate a ratio between the number of incidents and the number of parking spots:

select suburb_parking.suburb_name, CAST(incident_count as double)/parking_count as crime_score 
from suburb_incident
join suburb_parking on suburb_incident.suburb_name = suburb_parking.suburb_name
order by incident_count/parking_count desc;


And to our surprise, the neighborhood with such a nice name as Richmond has the highest number of incidents per parking spot, when Northwest district is the safest place with 0,056 incidents per parking spot.

The whole query looks like this:

with regions_coords as (
select feature.properties.Name as name, feature.geometry.coordinates[1] as shape from neighborhoods
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(features) AS t(feature)
where feature.properties.Name != 'MC UNCLAIMED #13' AND feature.properties.Name != 'CRESTWOOD'
unnest_nodes as (
select name, array_join(node, ' ') as node_str from regions_coords
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(shape) AS t(node)
suburbs as (
select name as suburb_name, ST_POLYGON('polygon ((' || array_join(array_agg(node_str), ', ') || '))') as poly from unnest_nodes group by name
parking_points as (
select ST_POINT(x, y) as point from parking
incident_points as (
select ST_POINT(opendatalon, opendatalat) as incident_point from incidents
where OffenseType in (
'Motor Vehicle Theft',
'Theft From Motor Vehicle',
'Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories')
and OpenDataLat is not NULL
and OpenDataLon is not NULL
suburb_parking as (
select suburb_name, count(*) as parking_count from suburbs
join parking_points on ST_CONTAINS(poly, point)
group by suburb_name order by parking_count desc
suburb_incident as (
select suburb_name, count(*) as incident_count from suburbs
join incident_points on ST_CONTAINS(poly, incident_point)
group by suburb_name order by incident_count desc
select suburb_parking.suburb_name, CAST(incident_count as double)/parking_count as crime_score
from suburb_incident
join suburb_parking on suburb_incident.suburb_name = suburb_parking.suburb_name
order by incident_count/parking_count desc;

Next time when I go to Portland I will check this information to find the best place to stay there.

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