Legitimate Use of Variable Length Arrays

 4 years ago
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The C99 (ISO/IEC 9899:1999) standard of C introduced a new, powerful feature called Variable Length Arrays (VLAs). The size of an array with automatic storage duration (i.e. stack allocated) can be determined at run time. Each instance of the array may even have a different length. Unlike alloca() , they’re a sanctioned form of dynamic stack allocation.

At first glance, VLAs seem convenient, useful, and efficient. Heap allocations have a small cost because the allocator needs to do some work to find or request some free memory, and typically the operation must be synchronized since there may be other threads also making allocations. Stack allocations are trivial and fast by comparison: Allocation is a matter of bumping the stack pointer, and no synchronization is needed.

For example, here’s a function that non-destructively finds the median of a buffer of floats:

/* note: nmemb must be non-zero */
median(const float *a, size_t nmemb)
    float copy[nmemb];
    memcpy(copy, a, sizeof(a[0]) * nmemb);
    qsort(copy, nmemb, sizeof(copy[0]), floatcmp);
    return copy[nmemb / 2];

It uses a VLA, copy , as a temporary copy of the input for sorting. The function doesn’t know at compile time how big the input will be, so it cannot just use a fixed size. With a VLA, it efficiently allocates exactly as much memory as needed on the stack.

Well, sort of. If nmemb is too large, then the VLA will silently overflow the stack. By silent I mean that the program has no way to detect it and avoid it. In practice, it can be a lot louder, from a segmentation fault in the best case, to an exploitable vulnerability in the worst case: stack clashing . If an attacker can control nmemb , they might choose a value that causes copy to overlap with other allocations, giving them control over those values as well.

If there’s any risk that nmemb is too large, it must be guarded.

#define COPY_MAX 4096

median(const float *a, size_t nmemb)
    if (nmemb > COPY_MAX)
        abort();  /* or whatever */
    float copy[nmemb];
    memcpy(copy, a, sizeof(a[0]) * nmemb);
    qsort(copy, nmemb, sizeof(copy[0]), floatcmp);
    return copy[nmemb / 2];

However, if median is expected to safely accommodate COPY_MAX elements, it may as well always allocate an array of this size. If it can’t, then that’s not a safe maximum.

median(const float *a, size_t nmemb)
    if (nmemb > COPY_MAX)
    float copy[COPY_MAX];
    memcpy(copy, a, sizeof(a[0]) * nmemb);
    qsort(copy, nmemb, sizeof(copy[0]), floatcmp);
    return copy[nmemb / 2];

And rather than abort, you might still want to support arbitrary input sizes:

median(const float *a, size_t nmemb)
    float buf[COPY_MAX];
    float *copy = buf;
    if (nmemb > COPY_MAX)
        copy = malloc(sizeof(a[0]) * nmemb);
    memcpy(copy, a, sizeof(a[0]) * nmemb);
    qsort(copy, nmemb, sizeof(copy[0]), floatcmp);
    float result = copy[nmemb / 2];
    if (copy != buf)
    return result;

Then small inputs are fast, but large inputs still work correctly. This is called small size optimization .

If the correct solution ultimately didn’t use a VLA, then what good are they? In general, VLAs not useful. They’re time bombs . VLAs are nearly always the wrong choice. You must be careul to check that they don’t exceed some safe maximum, and there’s no reason not to always use the maximum. This problem was realized for the C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011) where VLAs were made optional. A program containing a VLA will not necessarily compile on a C11 compiler.

Some purists also object to a special exception required for VLAs: The sizeof operator may evaluate its operand, and so it does not always evaluate to compile-time constant. If the operand contains a VLA, then the result depends on a run-time value.

Because they’re optional, it’s best to avoid even trivial VLAs like this:

median(const float *a, size_t nmemb)
    int max = 4096;
    if (nmemb > max)
    float copy[max];
    memcpy(copy, a, sizeof(a[0]) * nmemb);
    qsort(copy, nmemb, sizeof(copy[0]), floatcmp);
    return copy[nmemb / 2];

It’s easy to prove that the array length is always 4096, but technically this is still a VLA. That would still be true even if max were const int , because the array length still isn’t a constant integral expression.

VLA overhead

Finally, there’s also the problem that VLAs just aren’t as efficient as you might hope. A function that does dynamic stack allocation requires additional stack management. It must track additional memory addresses and will require extra instructions.

fixed(int n)
    if (n <= 1<<14) {
        volatile char buf[1<<14];
        buf[n - 1] = 0;

dynamic(int n)
    if (n <= 1<<14) {
        volatile char buf[n];
        buf[n - 1] = 0;

Compiled with gcc -Os and viewed with objdump -d -Mintel :

0000000000000000 <fixed>:
   0:	81 ff 00 40 00 00    	cmp    edi,0x4000
   6:	7f 19                	jg     21 <fixed+0x21>
   8:	ff cf                	dec    edi
   a:	48 81 ec 88 3f 00 00 	sub    rsp,0x3f88
  11:	48 63 ff             	movsxd rdi,edi
  14:	c6 44 3c 88 00       	mov    BYTE PTR [rsp+rdi*1-0x78],0x0
  19:	48 81 c4 88 3f 00 00 	add    rsp,0x3f88
  20:	c3                   	ret    
  21:	c3                   	ret    

0000000000000022 <dynamic>:
  22:	81 ff 00 40 00 00    	cmp    edi,0x4000
  28:	7f 23                	jg     4d <dynamic+0x2b>
  2a:	55                   	push   rbp
  2b:	48 63 c7             	movsxd rax,edi
  2e:	ff cf                	dec    edi
  30:	48 83 c0 0f          	add    rax,0xf
  34:	48 63 ff             	movsxd rdi,edi
  37:	48 83 e0 f0          	and    rax,0xfffffffffffffff0
  3b:	48 89 e5             	mov    rbp,rsp
  3e:	48 89 e2             	mov    rdx,rsp
  41:	48 29 c4             	sub    rsp,rax
  44:	c6 04 3c 00          	mov    BYTE PTR [rsp+rdi*1],0x0
  48:	48 89 d4             	mov    rsp,rdx
  4b:	c9                   	leave  
  4c:	c3                   	ret    
  4d:	c3                   	ret

Note the use of a base pointer, rbp and leave , in the second function in order to dynamically track the stack frame. (Hmm, in both cases GCC could easily shave off the extra ret at the end of each function. Missed optimization?)

The story is even worse when stack clash protection is enabled ( -fstack-clash-protection ). The compiler generates extra code to probe every page of allocation in case one of those pages is a guard page. That’s also more complex when the allocation is dynamic. The VLA version more than doubles in size (from 44 bytes to 101 bytes)!

Safe and useful variable length arrays

There is one convenient, useful, and safe form of VLAs: a pointer to a VLA. It’s convenient and useful because it makes some expressions simpler. It’s safe because there’s no arbitrary stack allocation.

Pointers to arrays are a rare sight in C code, whether variable length or not. That’s because, the vast majority of the time, C programmers implicitly rely on array decay : arrays quietly “decay” into pointers to their first element the moment you do almost anything with them. Also because they’re really awkward to use.

For example, the function sum3 takes a pointer to an array of exactly three elements.

sum3(int (*array)[3])
    return (*array)[0] + (*array)[1] + (*array)[2];

The parentheses are necessary because, without them, array would be an array of pointers — a type far more common than a pointer to an array. To index into the array, first the pointer to the array must be dereferenced to the array value itself, then this intermediate array is indexed triggering array decay. Conceptually there’s quite a bit to it, but, in practice, it’s all as efficient as the conventional approach to sum3 that accepts a plain int * .

The caller must take the address of an array of exactly the right length:

int buf[] = {1, 2, 4};
int r = sum3(&buf);

Or if dynamically allocating the array:

int (*array)[3] = malloc(sizeof(*array));
(*array)[0] = 1;
(*array)[1] = 2;
(*array)[2] = 4;
int r = sum3(array);

The mandatory parentheses and strict type requirements make this awkward and rarely useful. However, with VLAs perhaps it’s worth the trouble! Consider an NxN matrix expressed using a pointer to a VLA:

int n = /* run-time value */;
/* TODO: Check for integer overflow? See note. */
float (*identity)[n][n] = malloc(sizeof(*identity));
if (identity) {
    for (int y = 0; y < n; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) {
            (*identity)[y][x] = x == y;

When indexing, the parentheses are weird, but the indices have the convenient [y][x] format. The non-VLA alternative is to compute a 1D index manually from 2D indices ( y*n+x ):

int n = /* run-time value */;
/* TODO: Check for integer overflow. */
float *identity = malloc(sizeof(*identity) * n * n);
if (identity) {
    for (int y = 0; y < n; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) {
            identity[y*n + x] = x == y;

Note: What’s the behavior in the VLA version when n is so large that sizeof(*identity) doesn’t fit in a size_t ? I couldn’t find anything in the standard about it. Both GCC and Clang both implicitly check for overflow and, when it occurs, the expression evaluates to zero. The undefined behavior sanitizer doesn’t complain when this happens.

So VLAs might be worth the trouble when using pointers to multi-dimensional, dynamically-allocated arrays. However, I’m still judicious about their use due to reduced portability. As a practical example, MSVC famously does not, and likely will never will, support VLAs.

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