Who else is using my memory - File System Cache analysis

 5 years ago
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When we do analysis of MariaDB Database servers we also check the memory (RAM and Swap) available:

# free --kilo --wide
              total        used        free      shared     <b>buffers       cache</b>   available
Mem:       16106252     4329952      703356      199008      307872    10765072    11042748
Swap:      31250428      528684    30721744

The values for buffers and especially for cache can be sometimes quite big. In this case they use about 10 GiB. So let us have a look what these things called buffers and cache are, using our valuable RAM... When we check the man pages of free we will find:

# man free
buffers    Memory used by kernel buffers (Buffers in /proc/meminfo)
cache      Memory used by the page cache and slabs (Cached and Slab in /proc/meminfo)
buff/cache Sum of buffers and cache

So let us check a more fine grained information in /proc/meminfo which is an interface to the kernel data structures:

# cat /proc/meminfo | grep -e ^Cached -e Slab -e Buffers
Buffers:          307872 kB
Cached:         10155156 kB
Slab:             609916 kB

Same values! Then let us have a look at the man pages of proc what we can find about these values:

# man proc
Buffers     Relatively temporary storage for raw disk blocks that shouldn't get tremendously large (20MB or so).
Cached      In-memory cache for files read from the disk (the page cache).  Doesn't include SwapCached.
Slab        In-kernel data structures cache.

So it looks like we have a raw I/O Cache (called Buffer Cache) and a File System I/O Cache (called Page Cache). So how does this work? What is a raw I/O? And is a Files System I/O cached once ( Cached ) or twice ( Cached and Buffers )?

When we dig a bit deeper we can find that prior to Linux Kernels 2.4 the two Caches were distinct. So that was a waste of memory (RAM). It seems like today this is not the case any more [], [], []. And man pages are a bit out of date or at least not very precise?

Analysing the Linux Page Cache

A very good source when it comes to Linux Performance Tuning and Measuring is Brendan Gregg's Website. To measure Linux Page Cache Hit Ratio he provides a tool called cachestat which is part of the perf-tools collection on GitHub.

With cachestat we get a per second statistics of the Buffer Cache and the Page Cache (without Slabs), Cache Hits, Cache Misses, Dirty Buffer Entries in the Cache and a Cache Hit Ratio:

# sudo cachestat 
Counting cache functions... Output every 1 seconds.
    1419        8        0    99.4%          338       9406
    1368        0        0   100.0%          338       9406
    1391        0        0   100.0%          338       9406
    8558        0       29   100.0%          338       9406
   31870        0      163   100.0%          338       9406
    1374        0       24   100.0%          338       9406
    1388        0        0   100.0%          338       9406
    1370        0        0   100.0%          338       9406
    1388        0        0   100.0%          338       9406

Brendan Gregg also mentions a tool called pcstat ( on GitHub ) by Al Tobey which gets Page Cache Statistics for Files. Unfortunately I had some problems building it on my Ubuntu 16.04 with Go version 1.6. So I built it on an Ubuntu 18.04 (Go 1.10) and copied it over to to Ubuntu 16.04):

# export GOPATH=/tmp/
# cd $GOPATH
# go get golang.org/x/sys/unix
# go get github.com/tobert/pcstat/pcstat
# bin/pcstat $GOPATH/bin/pcstat

Then I tried pcstat out against a MariaDB 10.4 instance. In the output we can see how big the files are in bytes, how many pages of 4 kib this corresponds to, how many of these 4 kib pages are cached and the percentage of pages cached:

# pcstat /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib* /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test*
| Name                                                 | Size (bytes)   | Pages      | Cached    | Percent |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_buffer_pool | 14642          | 4          | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibdata1        | 79691776       | 19456      | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile0    | 268435456      | 65536      | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile1    | 268435456      | 65536      | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibtmp1         | 12582912       | 3072       | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test.frm  | 1097           | 1          | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test.ibd  | 13631488       | 3328       | 0         | 000.000 |

When we run pcstat over time with the famous watch command we can even see how the Page Cache is heating up:

# watch -d -n 1 'pcstat /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib* /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test* ; free -w'
| Name                                                 | Size (bytes)   | Pages      | Cached    | Percent |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_buffer_pool | 14642          | 4          | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibdata1        | 79691776       | 19456      | 2416      | 012.418 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile0    | 268435456      | 65536      | 3165      | 004.829 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile1    | 268435456      | 65536      | 5890      | 008.987 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibtmp1         | 12582912       | 3072       | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test.frm  | 1097           | 1          | 1         | 100.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test.ibd  | 13631488       | 3328       | 1164      | 034.976 |
              total        used        free      shared     buffers       cache   available
Mem:       16106252     4329952      703356      199008      307872    10765072    11042748
Swap:      31250428      528684    30721744

An other tool which was discussed on Brendans Website was vmtouch - the Virtual Memory Toucher ( on GitHub , Documentation ). With vmtouch we can see for example how much of the directory /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data ( datadir ) is currently in cache:

# vmtouch -f /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data
           Files: 503
     Directories: 9
  Resident Pages: 29356/231060  114M/902M  12.7%
         Elapsed: 0.009668 seconds

Or more fine grained how much of InnoDB System Files are currently in memory:

# vmtouch -f -v /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib*
/home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_buffer_pool   [    ] 0/4
/home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibdata1          [oOooooo      ooooo                                          ] 2416/19456
/home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile0      [o                                                        oOO] 3165/65536
/home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile1      [OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo                                      ] 23192/65536
/home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibtmp1           [                                                            ] 0/3072

           Files: 5
     Directories: 0
  Resident Pages: 28773/153604  112M/600M  18.7%
         Elapsed: 0.005499 seconds

A further question to answer is: Can I see all files cached in the Page Cache? So it seem like this is not easily possible:

There is no efficient search mechanism for doing the reverse - getting a file name belonging to a data block would require reading all inodes and indirect blocks on the file system. If you need to know about every single file's blocks stored in the page cache, you would need to supply a list of all files on your file system(s) to fincore. But that again is likely to spoil the measurement as a large amount of data would be read traversing the directories and getting all inodes and indirect blocks - putting them into the page cache and evicting the very page cache data you were trying to examine. []

Also in this article we can read about the Linux File Tools (linux-ftools) by Google. It seems to be a bit more complicated to make them work. So I let it be.

How is the Page Cache related to MariaDB

After all this technical O/S discussion, how is Linux Page Cache related to your MariaDB Database? Your MariaDB Database caches Data and Indexes as well. For the InnoDB Storage Engine this is the InnoDB Buffer Pool and for the Aria Storage Engine this is the Aria Page Cache Buffer. So if your MariaDB Database caches pages and if your Linux O/S caches pages the probability is high they cache the same data twice and thus waste valuable RAM! Fortunately InnoDB is configurable in a way it does NOT cache InnoDB files in the Page Cache. This is controlled with the InnoDB Server Variable innodb_flush_method .

When we look at InnoDB Files which were opened in a "normal" way (default: innodb_flush_method = fsync ) we get the following information about how the files were opened ( man 2 open and []):

# lsof +fg ./ib*
mysqld  2098 mysql    7uW  REG RW,LG,0x80000    8,1  79691776 9175185 ./ibdata1
mysqld  2098 mysql   11uW  REG RW,LG,0x80000    8,1 268435456 9175186 ./ib_logfile0
mysqld  2098 mysql   12uW  REG RW,LG,0x80000    8,1 268435456 9175187 ./ib_logfile1
mysqld  2098 mysql   13uW  REG RW,LG,0x80000    8,1  12582912 9175280 ./ibtmp1

The interesting column here is the FILE-FLAG column which indicates ( man lsof ):

# man lsof
       FILE-FLAG  when g or G has been specified to +f, this field contains the contents of the f_flag[s] member of the kernel file structure  and  the
                  kernel's  per-process  open  file flags (if available); `G' causes them to be displayed in hexadecimal; `g', as short-hand names; two
                  lists may be displayed with entries separated by commas, the lists separated by  a  semicolon  (`;');  the  first  list  may  contain
                  short-hand names for f_flag[s] values from the following table:

                       DIR       direct
                       LG        large file
                       RW        read and write access

The output is not so clear or completely understandable yet thus we want to have the open file flags in hexadecimal notation:

# lsof +fG ./ib*
mysqld  2098 mysql    7uW  REG 0x88002;0x0    8,1  79691776 9175185 ./ibdata1
mysqld  2098 mysql   11uW  REG 0x88002;0x0    8,1 268435456 9175186 ./ib_logfile0
mysqld  2098 mysql   12uW  REG 0x88002;0x0    8,1 268435456 9175187 ./ib_logfile1
mysqld  2098 mysql   13uW  REG 0x88002;0x0    8,1  12582912 9175280 ./ibtmp1

The Linux Kernel open file flags can be found here: fcntl.h . I have extracted the most relevant open file flags for our examination:

#define O_RDWR       00000002 (oct, 0x00002)
#define O_DIRECT     00040000 (oct, 0x04000)   /* direct disk access hint */
#define O_LARGEFILE  00100000 (oct, 0x08000)
#define O_CLOEXEC    02000000 (oct, 0x80000)   /* set close_on_exec */

So we can see that these 4 InnoDB files where opened with O_RDWR ( RW ), O_LARGE_FILE ( LG ) and O_CLOEXEC (not available (yet?) in lsof translation output).

Now let us start the MariaDB Database with the server variable set to: innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT and check how the files where opened:

# lsof +fg ./ib*
mysqld  2098 mysql    7uW  REG RW,DIR,LG,0x80000    8,1  79691776 9175185 ./ibdata1
mysqld  2098 mysql   11uW  REG     RW,LG,0x80000    8,1 268435456 9175186 ./ib_logfile0
mysqld  2098 mysql   12uW  REG     RW,LG,0x80000    8,1 268435456 9175187 ./ib_logfile1
mysqld  2098 mysql   13uW  REG RW,DIR,LG,0x80000    8,1  12582912 9175280 ./ibtmp1

# lsof +fG ./ib*
mysqld  2098 mysql    7uW  REG 0x8c002;0x0    8,1  79691776 9175185 ./ibdata1
mysqld  2098 mysql   11uW  REG 0x88002;0x0    8,1 268435456 9175186 ./ib_logfile0
mysqld  2098 mysql   12uW  REG 0x88002;0x0    8,1 268435456 9175187 ./ib_logfile1
mysqld  2098 mysql   13uW  REG 0x8c002;0x0    8,1  12582912 9175280 ./ibtmp1

We can see a new flag DIR or 0x04000 which means the files where opened with O_DIRECT . But only the InnoDB Temporary Table Tablespace and the InnoDB System Tablespace but not the two InnoDB Transaction Logs.

Translation of hex to oct: 0x8c002 = 02140002 .

But what does O_DIRECT mean? Looking at the open(2) man pages we can find:

# man 2 open
O_DIRECT (since Linux 2.4.10)
       <b>Try  to  minimize  cache effects of the I/O to and from this file.</b>  In general this will degrade performance, but <b>it is useful in special
       situations, such as when applications do their own caching.  File I/O is done directly to/from user-space buffers</b>.  The O_DIRECT flag  on
       its own makes an effort to transfer data synchronously, but does not give the guarantees of the O_SYNC flag that data and necessary meta‐
       data are transferred.  To guarantee synchronous I/O, O_SYNC must be used in addition to O_DIRECT.

So O_DIRECT is exactly what we want in this case: Bypassing the File System Page Cache to not cache the Database blocks twice!

To verify the impact we run pcstat again:

# pcstat /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib* /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test*
| Name                                                 | Size (bytes)   | Pages      | Cached    | Percent |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_buffer_pool | 16020          | 4          | 4         | 100.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibdata1        | 79691776       | 19456      | 140       | 000.720 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile0    | 268435456      | 65536      | 36844     | 056.219 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile1    | 268435456      | 65536      | 65536     | 100.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibtmp1         | 12582912       | 3072       | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test.frm  | 1097           | 1          | 1         | 100.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test.ibd  | 67108864       | 16384      | 13400     | 081.787 |

But... part of the InnoDB Tablespace files is still cached! Also checking the total amount of Buffers and Cache shows the same:

# free
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:       16106252     4401788      368200      456716    11336264    10691792
Swap:      31250428     1348440    29901988

So restarting the MariaDB database does not purge the Page Cache! Note : This is important to notice because bypassing the Page Cache helps to not wasting valuable RAM but it makes Database restart much more costly because Page Cache does not help/support InnoDB Buffer Pool heating any more!

Then let us clear the Linux Page Cache and check the result:

# echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

# free -w
              total        used        free      shared     buffers       cache   available
Mem:       16106252     4395892    10539864      441708         696     1169800    10882984
Swap:      31250428     1348428    29902000

Checking with pcstat shows now that all InnoDB pages are wiped out of the Page Cache:

# pcstat /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib* /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test*
| Name                                                 | Size (bytes)   | Pages      | Cached    | Percent |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_buffer_pool | 16020          | 4          | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibdata1        | 79691776       | 19456      | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile0    | 268435456      | 65536      | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile1    | 268435456      | 65536      | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibtmp1         | 12582912       | 3072       | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test.frm  | 1097           | 1          | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test.ibd  | 67108864       | 16384      | 0         | 000.000 |

And after a while running traffic on the test table we can see that InnoDB Transaction Log Files are cached again in the Page Cache but NOT the InnoDB Tablespace files:

# pcstat /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib* /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test*
| Name                                                 | Size (bytes)   | Pages      | Cached    | Percent |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_buffer_pool | 16020          | 4          | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibdata1        | 79691776       | 19456      | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile0    | 268435456      | 65536      | 3012      | 004.596 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile1    | 268435456      | 65536      | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibtmp1         | 12582912       | 3072       | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test.frm  | 1097           | 1          | 0         | 000.000 |
| /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test.ibd  | 71303168       | 17408      | 0         | 000.000 |

Also with vmtouch we can see the difference:

./vmtouch -f -v /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib* /home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test*
/home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_buffer_pool  [    ] 0/4
/home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibdata1         [                                                            ] 0/19456
/home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile0     [o                                oOOOo                      ] 4252/65536
/home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ib_logfile1     [                                                            ] 0/65536
/home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/ibtmp1          [                                                            ] 0/3072
/home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test.frm   [ ] 0/1
/home/mysql/database/mariadb-104/data/test/test.ibd   [                                                            ] 0/17408

           Files: 7
     Directories: 0
  Resident Pages: 4252/171013  16M/668M  2.49%
         Elapsed: 0.003264 seconds

And also cachestat shows the effect of a flushed Buffer Cache and Page Cache:

# ./cachestat 
Counting cache functions... Output every 1 seconds.
  677882       19      740   100.0%           67       1087
  679213       10      700   100.0%           67       1087
  677236        0      732   100.0%           67       1087
  685673       11      932   100.0%           67       1088
  677933        5      703   100.0%           67       1088

Caution : Depending on your underlying I/O system it makes nevertheless sense to run your MariaDB Database with innodb_flush_method = fsync in certain cases! See also PostgreSQL behaviour.

Note : This information could also be interesting for PostgreSQL DBAs because they do redundant buffering with their shared_buffers (why plural? It is just one!?!) and the O/S Page Cache as well!

What is Slab

Beside Buffer Cache and the Page Cache itself we have a third thing in the /proc/meminfo statistics listed as Slabs. So what are Slabs? Slab seems to be a specific memory management (allocation) mechanism. It is used for frequently used objects in the Linux Kernel (buffer heads, inodes, dentries, etc.) []. So it contains something like other Linux Kernel Buffers and Kernel Caches.

What kind of other Linux Kernel Buffer and Kernel Caches exists can be found with the following command:

# sudo cat /proc/slabinfo 
slabinfo - version: 2.1
# name            
      : tunables 
         : slabdata 
nf_conntrack_1     14183  15275    320   25    2 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    611    611      0
ext4_groupinfo_4k   8575   8596    144   28    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    307    307      0
i915_gem_vma         523    950    320   25    2 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     38     38      0
UDPv6                120    120   1088   30    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
tw_sock_TCPv6       2668   2668    280   29    2 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     92     92      0
request_sock_TCPv6    24     72    328   24    2 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      3      3      0
TCPv6                 68    105   2112   15    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      7      7      0
cfq_queue            391    442    232   17    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     26     26      0
mqueue_inode_cache    72     72    896   18    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
fuse_request          20     40    400   20    2 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      2      2      0
fuse_inode             1     21    768   21    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      1      1      0
fat_cache            102    408     40  102    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
hugetlbfs_inode_cache 28     84    584   28    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      3      3      0
squashfs_inode_cache  25     50    640   25    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      2      2      0
jbd2_journal_handle  340    340     48   85    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
jbd2_journal_head   2040   2040    120   34    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     60     60      0
jbd2_revoke_table_s  260    512     16  256    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      2      2      0
jbd2_revoke_record_s1152   1408     32  128    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     11     11      0
ext4_inode_cache  208751 210840   1072   30    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata   7028   7028      0
ext4_free_data       320    448     64   64    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      7      7      0
ext4_allocation_cont 128    128    128   32    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
ext4_io_end          392    560     72   56    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     10     10      0
ext4_extent_status 64412  77928     40  102    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    764    764      0
dquot                144    160    256   16    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     10     10      0
mbcache              226    292     56   73    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
dio                  273    350    640   25    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     14     14      0
pid_namespace         42     42   2224   14    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      3      3      0
ip4-frags             32     64    248   16    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
RAW                  396    396    896   18    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     22     22      0
UDP                   68     68    960   17    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
tw_sock_TCP        10750  11136    280   29    2 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    384    384      0
request_sock_TCP      96     96    328   24    2 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
TCP                  119    136   1920   17    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      8      8      0
blkdev_queue          27     48   1336   24    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      2      2      0
blkdev_requests      394    506    368   22    2 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     23     23      0
blkdev_ioc           516    546    104   39    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     14     14      0
user_namespace       104    104    304   26    2 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
dmaengine-unmap-256   15     15   2112   15    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      1      1      0
sock_inode_cache    1707   1950    640   25    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     78     78      0
file_lock_cache      665    665    208   19    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     35     35      0
net_namespace         40     40   7296    4    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     10     10      0
shmem_inode_cache   3315   3432    656   24    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    143    143      0
taskstats             96     96    328   24    2 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
proc_inode_cache    6895   7072    624   26    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    272    272      0
sigqueue             100    100    160   25    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
bdev_cache            29     76    832   19    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
kernfs_node_cache  43625  44982    120   34    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata   1323   1323      0
mnt_cache            518    546    384   21    2 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     26     26      0
inode_cache        17519  17668    568   28    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    631    631      0
dentry            424185 439992    192   21    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata  20952  20952      0
buffer_head     1112865 1112865    104   39    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata  28535  28535      0
vm_area_struct     53945  55300    200   20    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata   2765   2765      0
files_cache          260    299    704   23    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     13     13      0
signal_cache         509    630   1088   30    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     21     21      0
sighand_cache        346    405   2112   15    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     27     27      0
task_struct         1189   1269   3584    9    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    141    141      0
Acpi-Operand        5703   5824     72   56    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    104    104      0
Acpi-Parse          1314   1314     56   73    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     18     18      0
Acpi-State           204    204     80   51    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      4      4      0
Acpi-Namespace      4077   4182     40  102    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     41     41      0
anon_vma           19831  21522     80   51    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    422    422      0
numa_policy          170    170     24  170    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      1      1      0
radix_tree_node   321937 327740    584   28    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata  11705  11705      0
trace_event_file    3985   4002     88   46    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     87     87      0
ftrace_event_field 86541  88570     48   85    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata   1042   1042      0
idr_layer_cache      533    555   2096   15    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     37     37      0
kmalloc-8192        1246   1246   8192    4    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    502    502      0
kmalloc-4096         658    720   4096    8    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     90     90      0
kmalloc-2048        1955   2144   2048   16    8 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    134    134      0
kmalloc-1024       44217  44384   1024   16    4 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata   2774   2774      0
kmalloc-512         3037   3808    512   16    2 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    238    238      0
kmalloc-256        17465  20384    256   16    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata   1274   1274      0
kmalloc-192        27708  28665    192   21    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata   1365   1365      0
kmalloc-128       140581 143744    128   32    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata   4492   4492      0
kmalloc-96        168044 168378     96   42    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata   4009   4009      0
kmalloc-64        117533 123264     64   64    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata   1926   1926      0
kmalloc-32         80425  90368     32  128    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata    706    706      0
kmalloc-16          9513  11264     16  256    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     44     44      0
kmalloc-8           6616   7168      8  512    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     14     14      0
kmem_cache_node      320    320     64   64    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata      5      5      0
kmem_cache           208    208    256   16    1 : tunables    0    0    0 : slabdata     13     13      0


If you want to see the most frequently used (hottest) Slabs you can see them top -like with slabtop . If you press c you can sort the Slabs by CACHE_SIZE :

# sudo slabtop
 Active / Total Objects (% used)    : 2249113 / 2280136 (98.6%)
 Active / Total Slabs (% used)      : 70256 / 70256 (100.0%)
 Active / Total Caches (% used)     : 86 / 121 (71.1%)
 Active / Total Size (% used)       : 597547.86K / 605445.30K (98.7%)
 Minimum / Average / Maximum Object : 0.01K / 0.26K / 18.56K

294308 289889  98%    0.57K  10511       28    168176K radix_tree_node
105030 104435  99%    1.05K   3501       30    112032K ext4_inode_cache
745446 745446 100%    0.10K  19114       39     76456K buffer_head
 59984  59909  99%    1.00K   3749       16     59984K ecryptfs_inode_cache
 47520  47157  99%    1.00K   2970       16     47520K kmalloc-1024
215166 214987  99%    0.19K  10246       21     40984K dentry
139744 138452  99%    0.12K   4367       32     17468K kmalloc-128
179508 179011  99%    0.09K   4274       42     17096K kmalloc-96
 47140  45768  97%    0.20K   2357       20      9428K vm_area_struct
 14700  14700 100%    0.55K    525       28      8400K inode_cache


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