GitHub - JetBrains/Arend

 5 years ago
source link: https://github.com/JetBrains/Arend
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Arend proof assistant

JetBrains incubator project

Arend is a theorem prover based on Homotopy Type Theory. See the documentation for more information about the Arend language.


We use gradle to build the plugin. It comes with a wrapper script (gradlew or gradlew.bat in the root of the repository) which downloads appropriate version of gradle automatically as long as you have JDK installed.

Common tasks are

  • ./gradlew jarDep — build a jar file which includes all the dependecies which can be found at build/libs. To see the command line options of the application, run java -jar arend.jar --help.

  • ./gradlew test — run all tests.

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