Parens - parens is a scripting layer for Golang that uses lisp syntax

 5 years ago
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Parens is a LISP-like scripting layer for Go (or Golang ).


To embed parens in your application import github.com/spy16/parens .

For stand-alone usage, install the parens binary using:

go get -u -v github.com/spy16/parens/cmd/parens

Then you can

  1. Run REPL by running parens command.
  2. Run a lisp file using parens <filename> command.
  3. Execute a LISP string using parens -e "(+ 1 2)"


Take a look at cmd/parens/main.go for a good example.

Check out examples/ for supported constructs.


1. Simple

Should have absolute bare minimum functionality.

scope := reflection.NewScope(nil)
exec := parens.New(scope)

Above snippet gives you an interpreter that understands literals, (eval expr) and (load <file>) .

2. Flexible

Should be possible to control what is available. Standard functions should be registered not built-in.


Adding this one line into the previous snippet allows you to include some minimal set of standard functions like + , - , * , / etc. and macros like let , cond , do etc.

The type of scope argument in parens.New(scope) is the following interface:

// Scope is responsible for managing bindings.
type Scope interface {
	Get(name string) (interface{}, error)
	Bind(name string, v interface{}) error
	Root() Scope

So, if you wanted to do some dynamic resolution during Get(name) (e.g. If you wanted to return method Print of object stdout when Get("stdout.Print") is called), you can easily implement this interface and pass it to parens.New .

3. Interoperable

Should be able to expose Go values inside LISP and vice versa without custom signatures.

// any Go value can be exposed to interpreter as shown here:
scope.Bind("π", 3.1412)
scope.Bind("banner", "Hello from Parens!")

// functions can be bound directly.
// variadic functions are supported too.
scope.Bind("println", fmt.Println)
scope.Bind("printf", fmt.Printf)
scope.Bind("sin", math.Sin)

// once bound you can use them just as easily:
exec.Execute("(println banner)")
exec.Execute(`(printf "value of π is = %f" π)`)

4. Extensible Semantics

Special constructs like do , cond , if etc. can be added using Macros.

// This is standard implementation of '(do expr*)' special-form from Clojure!
func doMacro(scope *reflection.Scope, callName string, exps []parser.Expr) (interface{}, error) {
    var val interface{}
    var err error
    for _, exp := range exps {
        val, err = exp.Eval(scope)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    return val, nil

// register the macro func in the scope.
scope.Bind("do", parser.MacroFunc(doMacro))

// finally use it!
src := `
    (println "Hello from parens")
    (label π 3.1412))
// value of 'val' after below statement should be 3.1412
val, _ := exec.Execute(src)

See stdlib/macros.go for some built-in macros.

Parens is NOT :

  1. An implementaion of a particular LISP dialect (like scheme, common-lisp etc.)
  2. A new dialect of LISP


  • Better way to map error returns from Go functios to LISP
    • Result<interface{}, error> type of design in Rust ?
  • Better parser package
    • Support for macro functions
    • Support for vectors []
    • Better error reporting
  • Better reflection package
    • Support for variadic functions
    • Support for methods
    • Type promotion/conversion
      • intX types to int64 and float64
      • floatX types to int64 and float64
      • any values to interface{} type
      • intX and floatX types to int8 , int16 , float32 and vice versa?
  • Performance Benchmark (optimization ?)
  • Go code generation?

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