Using Python's Type Annotations

 5 years ago
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Python is known for being a Wild West language where anything goes. Aside from indentation, code style and documentation is left mostly up to the opinion of the developer writing the application, which can lead to some messy, unreadable code.

This comes partially from Python being a dynamic typed language, meaning that types are associated with the variable's value, not the variable itself. This means that variables can take on any value at any point, and are only type checked before performing an action with them.

Consider the following code. In Python, this is totally acceptable.

age = 21
print(age)  # 21
age = 'Twenty One'
print(age)  # Twenty One

In the code above, the value of age is first an int , but then we change it to a str later on. Every variable can represent any value at any point in the program. That is the power of dynamic typing!

Let's try to do the same thing in a statically typed language, like Java.

int age = 21;
age = "Twenty One";

We actually end up with the following error, because we are trying to assign "Twenty One" (a String ) to the variable age that was declared as an int .

Error: incompatible types: String cannot be converted to int

For this to work in a statically typed language, we would have to use two separate variables.

int ageNum = 21;
String ageStr = ageNum.toString();

This works, but I really like the flexibility of Python that allows the dynamic typing, so that I don't need to clutter my code with more variables than necessary. But I also enjoy the readability of statically typed languages for other programmers to know what type a specific variable should be! To get the best of both worlds, Python 3.7 introduced Type Annotations .

What Are Type Annotations?

Type Annotations are a new feature added in PEP 484 that allow for adding type hints to variables. They are used to inform someone reading the code what the type of a variable should be . This brings a sense of statically typed control to the dynamically typed Python. This is accomplished by adding : <type> after initializing/declaring a variable.

An example is shown below, which adds the : int when we declare the variable to show that age should be of type int .

age: int = 5
# 5

It is important to note that type annotations do not affect the runtime of the program in any way . These hints are ignored by the interpreter and are used solely to increase the readability for other programmers and yourself. They are not enforced are runtime.

Why & How to Use Type Annotations

A helpful feature of statically typed languages is that the value of a variable can always be known within a specific domain. For instance, we know string variables can only be strings, ints can only be ints, and so on. With dynamically typed languages, its basically anyone's guess as to what the value of a variable is or should be.

We can use the expected variable's type when writing and calling functions to ensure we are passing and using parameters correctly. If we pass a str when the function expects an int , then it most likely will not work in the way we expected.

Consider the following code below:

def mystery_combine(a, b, times):
    return (a + b) * times

We can see what that function is doing, but do we know what a , b , or times are supposed to be? Look at the following code, especially at the two lines where we call the mystery_combine with different types of arguments. Observe each version's output, which is shown in the comments below each block.

# Our original function
def mystery_combine(a, b, times):
    return (a + b) * times

print(mystery_combine(2, 3, 4))
# 20

print(mystery_combine('Hello ', 'World! ', 4))
# Hello World! Hello World! Hello World! Hello World!

Hmm, based on what we pass the function, we get two totally different results. With integers we get some nice PEMDAS math, but when we pass strings to the function, we can see that the first two arguments are concatenated, and that resulting string is multiplied times times.

It turns out that the developer who wrote the function actually anticipated the second version to be the use case of mystery_combine ! Using type annotations, we can clear up this confusion.

def mystery_combine(a: str, b: str, times: int) -> str:
    return (a + b) * times

We have added : str , : str , and : int to the function's parameters to show what types they should be. This will hopefully make the code clearer to read, and reveal it's purpose a little more.

We also added the -> str to show that this function will return a str . Using -> <type> , we can more easily show the return value types of any function or method, to avoid confusion by future developers!

Again, we can still call our code in the first, incorrect way, but hopefully with a good review, a programmer will see that they are using the function in a way it was not intended. Type annotations and hints are incredibly useful for teams and multi-developer Python applications. It removes most of the guesswork from reading code!

Complex Types

The previous section handles many of the basic use cases of type annotations, but nothing is ever just basic, so let's break down some more complex cases.

For anything more than a primitive in Python, use the typing class. It describes types to type annotate any variable of any type. It comes preloaded with type annotations such as Dict , Tuple , List , Set , and more! Then you can expand your type hints into use cases like the example below.

from typing import List

def print_names(names: List[str]) -> None:
    for student in names:

This will tell the reader that names should be a list of strings. Dictionaries work in a similar fashion.

from typing import Dict

def print_name_and_grade(grades: Dict[str, float]) -> None:
    for student, grade in grades.items():
        print(student, grade)

The Dict[str, float] type hint tells us that grades should be a dictionary where the keys are strings and the values are floats.

The other complex examples work using this typing module.

Type Aliases

If you want to work with custom type names, you can use type aliases . Let's say you are working with a group of [x, y] points as Tuples, then we could use an alias to map the Tuple type to a Point type.

from typing import List, Tuple

# Declare a point type annotation using a tuple of ints of [x, y]
Point = Tuple[int, int]

# Create a function designed to take in a list of Points
def print_points(points: List[Point]):
    for point in points:
        print("X:", point[0], "  Y:", point[1])

Multiple Return Values

If your function returns multiple values as a tuple, then just wrap the expected output as a typing.Tuple[<type 1>, <type 2>, ...]

from typing import Tuple

def get_api_response() -> Tuple[int, int]:
    successes, errors = ... # Some API call
    return successes, errors

The code above returns a tuple of the number of successes and errors from the API call, where both values are integers. By using Tuple[int, int] , we are indicating to a developer reading this that the function does in fact return multiple int values.

Multiple Possible Return Types

If your function has a value that can take on a different number of forms, you can use the typing.Optional or typing.Union types.

Use Optional when the value will be be either of a certain type or None , exclusively.

from typing import Optional

def try_to_print(some_num: Optional[int]):
    if some_num:
        print('Value was None!')

The above code indicates that some_num can eith be of type int or None .

Use Union when the value can take on more specific types.

from typing import Union

def print_grade(grade: Union[int, str]):
    if isinstance(grade, str):
        print(grade + ' percent')
        print(str(grade) + '%')

The above code indicates that grade can eith be of type int or str . This is helpful in our example of printing grades, so that we can print either 98% or Ninety Eight Percent , with no unexpected consequences.

More Examples

For more examples, check out the official Python documentation for the typing module. They have a ton of different variations of examples that you can check out. I just hit the tip of the ice berg here, but hopefully I have peaked your interest in making cleaner, easier to read code using type annotations in Python.

As always, please reach out, like, comment, or share if you have any comments or questions!

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK